Janmohamed Hansraj

From Khoja Wiki
Waras Janmohamed Hansraj
Janmohamed Hansraj.jpg
Town of birth
Province of birth
Date of Birth
  • 1838
Place of Death
Name of Cemetery and plot no
Place of longest stay
Profession or occupation carriedout for the longest period in life

Born in 1838 Mundra

Janmohamed Hansraj was born in 1838 in Kutch. Not much is known about his early life.

He however made a trip of Zanzibar in 1852 and ventured in the business field.

He started first a retail store with his brother, Kanji at Bagamoyo, and eventually expanded into wholesale trade.

He is still remembered as industrious and generous, who helped the arriving Khojas in Africa.

Janmohamed Hansraj owned at least five stone houses with plots in Bagamoyo and was also the deputy of Sir Tharia Topan (1823-1891) in the town since 1860.

He helped build the town's Ismaili Jamatkhana and was appointed its Mukhi.

He was a generous and notably he gave 50,000/- shillings for the poor Ismaili Widow's Home at Zanzibar in 1900. The home was indeed a blessing for the destitute Khoja women. His son Mukhi Muhammad completed the project, known as "Janmohamed Hansraj Khoja Dharam Shala." F.H.O. Wilson opened it on August 14, 1904.

Ismaili council zanzibar 1905.png

Janmohamed Hansraj, Zanzibar 1905