Karim Didar Karim

From Khoja Wiki
Karim Didar Karim
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Town of birth
Country of birth
Name of institution of highest education achieved
  • Doctor of TCM at ICTCM
Profession or occupation carriedout for the longest period in life
  • Masseur
  • Acupuncturist
  • Ayurvedic Practitioner
Where-City or Country

Born in Kampala


My passion for healing and helping others has driven me to train and combine several disciplines including, but not limited to, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Ayurvedic Massage and Medicine, as well as Injection Therapy and Vitamin Booster shots, to achieve beneficial results for those in my care.

My dance career took me to many countries, and during that time I discovered my other true passion, the healing arts. It started first with the practice and teaching of Yoga, which lead me to the study and work in Ayurvedic Medicine, and eventually to graduate with a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diploma in Vancouver. I subsequently received my Registered Acupuncture licence from the College of Traditional Medicine and Acupuncture (CTCMA).

I welcome all – males, females, trans*, and non-binary folks – who are on the journey to their optimum health. My commitment to learning about and understanding the individual needs of my patients is what, in my opinion, makes my practice unique. I am available to help with any of your health concerns; pain, fertility, stress, menstrual issues, general health, or other more specific concerns whether body or mind.

I offer my support to those who are looking to resolve their health discomforts or concerns to have a more productive and happy life. Our bodies go through many events and transitions during our lives – from conception to birth through to aging. Our bodies record our stories and remember our joys and pains. I can help your body find peace with its past and its present, and help it step into your future.

As an ex-dancer, and someone who has led a physically active life, I know what it’s like living with pain on a daily basis. “The show must go on”. Maybe you feel the same way? Dealing with pain on a constant basis but not knowing how to get relief. That’s where I can help.