Gulamhussein Bhaloo Kurji
- Khoja Ismaili Kizingo Cemetery
- Zanzibar
- Business
- Parents
- Children
"The spending of excessive money on charity was not rare in the Ismaili community. Some rich businessmen tried to raise their religious status by generously giving money to their religious institutions.
Gulamhusein Baloo seems to have been more a religious spender than a businessman. He inherited from his father a house worth Rs 20,000 and also property worth $20,000. The Trustee of his case stated that “the insolvent appears to have been very free with money”.
Just before his bankruptcy was filed in 1910, he went to Mumbai (then Bombay) to see his spiritual leader H.H.(Aga) Khan and spent Rs 2,000 on him. In addition, he appears to have presented him a chair with gold fittings worth Rs 3,000. Gulamhusein was Mukkim (Mukhi-an Ismaili lay priest) "in the local JamatKhana and spent almost Rs 5,000 towards the fund of his Jamat [Mosque of the Ismailis, G.O.]. These irresponsible expenses, from a business point of view, finally led to his deteriorated position."
Oonk, Gijsbert - Settled Strangers- South Asian Business Elites in East Africa 1800-2000 Sage (pg 108) (Zanzibar High Court # 2/197.)