Iqbal Noor Ali
- 1948
- 2017
- International Development Administrator
- Partners
- Children
Iqbal Noor Ali joined the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in 1979, and was appointed Senior Advisor in 2010. He was the Chief Executive Officer of Aga Khan Foundation USA for over 25 years until 2009, following five years with the AKDN’s Industrial Promotion Services in Canada, where his responsibilities included the development of small enterprise for recent immigrants to North America. His current role is focused on facilitating strategic international partnerships for the AKDN, and on representing the AKDN’s interests in various international settings.
As CEO of Aga Khan Foundation USA, he worked closely with the development community in the United States, serving on the Boards and Committees of various organizations such as InterAction, the Council on Foundations, the Independent Sector, and the Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Assistance that advises the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator on US foreign assistance. A US citizen, Iqbal was born in Pakistan, received his formal education in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Canada, and lives in the Washington, D.C. area.