Mohamed Fazal Manji

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Dr. Mohamed Fazal Manji
Mohamed Manji 2021.jpg
All Nicknames
  • Mo
Town of birth
Country of birth
Date of Birth
  • 11 July 1947
Name of institution of highest education achieved
  • Clinical Associated Professor
Place of longest stay
Profession or occupation carriedout for the longest period in life
  • Radiation Oncology
Where-City or Country

Born in 1947 Mbeya


(Consultant Radiation Oncologist, B.C. Cancer Agency-Clinical Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver B.C.)

I was in primary school at The Aga Khan School Mbeya, Tanzania when we had a visitor. Missionary Kassamali from Karachi was visiting Mbeya as part of his East African waez trip. He was accompanied by our Mukhi Hassanali Saleh Haji and Kamadia Tajdin Dharsee, My father Rai Fazal Manji was with them as well as he was the Member of the Aga Khan Supreme Council of Tanganyika. During the visit to our class, one of the questions he asked us was "do you know which country Hazar Imam is visiting now and why?" I had a habit of reading Tanganyika Standard regularly and few days before this visit, I had read that Hazar Imam was on a fund raising tour of USA to finance the opening of surgical wing at The Platinum Jubilee Hospital Nairobi and it will include medical research unit. He also was visiting Los Almos Cancer Center. So I gave the answer to Missionary Kassamali’s question. Little did I know that one day I will become Radiation Oncologist and would be treating cancer patients.

I was born In Mbeya, Tanzania. After attending primary education in Mbeya, I attended Aga Khan Boys School, Dar es Salaam for my secondary and high school. Following that I joined Makerere University Kampala Uganda and obtained my medical degree in1971. Because of negative political situation in East Africa affecting mostly Tanzanian Indian population, I had decided to go abroad and specialize. I was a private student at Makerere University and thus had no obligation of doing national service. I initially went to Trinidad, West Indies to do my internship. Following a year there, I immigrated to Canada in July 1972. At that time there were only about 50 Ismailis in Toronto. In summer of 1973, I was privileged to be appointment by Hazar Imam to be the first Member for Health on the first H.H. the Aga Khan Ismaili Regional Council of Ontario and Quebec under President Riaz Jethwani. New immigrants continued to come from Tanzania in the following year. With further arrival of Ismaili immigrants from Uganda, being in the Ismaili Council, I was involved in helping settle them in Toronto and outside Toronto.

Prior to my arrival, I already had a work appointment to join Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto to do my residency in Radiation Oncology. Princess Margaret Cancer Center as it is now called was and is one of the five largest cancer centers in the world. During my residency, I spent a year at Sunnybrook Medical Center, Toronto to do a year in Internal Medicine. I also had the opportunity to do special courses in Nuclear Medicine and Endocrinology at Harvard Medical School in Boston USA. I obtained my U.S. Board Certification (DABRT) and my Canadian Fellowship (DMRT, FRCPC) in Radiation Oncology. I became the first Canadian trained Ismaili Radiation Oncologist in Canada and probably in North America. Joined British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver Clinic in 1977 as a fellow and became a consultant in 1979. Was also appointed on the medical faculty of the University of British Columbia with responsibility of teaching medical students and residents. Presently I am Clinical Associate Professor at University Of British Columbia. I also served as the Director of Radiation Therapy School at BC Cancer Agency from 1988 to 1991, which was involved in training of radiation therapists. I am known as Mo Manji in my field.

My major subspecialty is treating patients with pelvic malignancies i.e. lower gastrointestinal, gynaecological and genitourinary malignancies. In cancer of the cervix patients, I specialised in use of Intracavitary (internal- Brachytherapy) treatments. I have contributed to many peer review publications, abstracts, book chapters and also lecture presentations nationally and internationally. I have also participated in many national and international clinical trials.

Having been also involved in teaching local and international residents and students in Vancouver, I was recruited by King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, a major tertiary center, servicing the whole of Middle East in all specialties including Oncology. During my tenure between 1993 and 2005, I was involved in modernising the radiation oncology Department by obtaining state of the art technology and training the staff. Also involved in encouraging and arranging for Saudi residents for overseas training in Radiation Oncology programs. I advocated a change in managing cervix cancer patients (all women were from outside Saudi Arabia) who had unfortunately undergone Female genital mutilation. During my stay in Saudi Arabia, I was invited for presentation at many teaching conferences, in and outside Saudi Arabia i.e. Syria and Egypt. One of the major highlight was meeting President Nelson Mandela on his visit to Saudi Arabia in 1994 and King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia.

I was also involved in the planning of Radiation Oncology Department for The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. In 2004, I was invited by the Oncology Planning Committee headed by Dr Farat Abbas and at the request of AKU President Shamsh Lakha and later for Nairobi AKU Hospital Oncology Department. With the help of my Radiation Oncology colleague Dr Farrok Karsan and my Medical Physicist colleague Dr Sherali Hussein, we were able to advise in the construction of Radiation Oncology building and department, a very important section in cancer treatment program at the Aga Khan University Karachi for the treatment of cancer patients. I spent about 3 months in 2007 at AKU Karachi and about 3 months at AKU Nairobi in 2012.

I ended up staying in Saudi Arabia for a total of 12 years and then returned to Canada and rejoined BC Cancer Agency in Vancouver BC.

I am now in the field of Radiation Oncology since 1972 and presently still working, this time at BC Cancer Agency Kelowna Clinic, though not full time, as I want to spend more time with my wife Anar, our two sons Jamil and Faisal, our daughters in law Shaila and Tanya, our granddaughter Kayana, and two grandsons Mikhail and Ethan.

Dr. Mohamed Fazal Manji is a recipient of the 2022 Royal College of Physician & Surgean of Canada's 'M. Andrew Padmos International Collaboration Award'


HAMIR BROTHERS - Chronicle of a Kutch Khoja Family

By Dr Mohamed Fazal Manji MD. DMRT DABRT FRCPC Vancouver, BC, Canada

Indian Ocean provided the main base linking Arabia, Persia and India with the Eastern Coast of Africa. Movement between these regions was set by the directions of "seasonal reversal of winds" called monsoons The summer monsoon blows strongest from about June to September which allowed sailors a faster trip from East African ports to west coast of India; in winter the winds flow is reversed and in winter monsoons sailors could sail from India's western coast to the east coast of Africa or to the Persian Gulf or the Red Sea. Maritime history shows that there were trade links between Kutch, Gujarat and African coast back to ancient Babylon. Modern day migration of Indians (or Asians as they were called in East Africa) to East Africa started in early 19th Century and then in 1860s, 31,983 workers from Kutch and Punjab were involved in laying a railway line from Mombasa to Kampala. Between 1896 and 1901, 2493 workers died and 6454 became invalid while laying the tracks, After the completions, only about 7000 workers chose to stay back; rest of them returned to India. It is therefore a misconception that the people of Indian origin in East Africa are descendants of the labourers who built Kenya-Uganda railway.

Before, during and after the completion of laying of the railway tracks both in Kenya, Uganda and German East Africa(Tanganyika), Indian traders, mostly from Kutch initially and then Kathiawar had migrated and continued to migrate to East African countries. They helped to established trading posts along the railway routes.. These trading posts called "dukas" were also established in unexplored regions of these countries providing needs of the indigenous population and also to the British and German administrators, living in the towns established by them. One such region was Southern Highland region of Tanganyika, In 1890's the German administration, under Captain Prince established centers called "Bomas". One was in Iringa, home to the Hehe people and Chief Makwawa, built on the hilltop overlooking the Little Ruaha River and second one in Neu-Langenburg (presently known as Tukuyu) a small hillside town that lies about 36 miles (58 km) south of the city of Mbeya, at an elevation of around 5,000 ft (1,500 m) in the highland Rungwe District of southern Tanganyika. This attracted over a thousand traders. One such family was of Hamir Pardhan of Kutch, India from my mother's side and the other family was Lalji Bharmal family of Kutch as well, from my father's side. Pradhan had 2 sons, Hamir and Korji. Korji's son Mohamed settled in India and was quite involved in the Bombay Golden Jubilee arrangement of Sir Sultan Mohamedshah Aga Khan. Korji's second son was Ladak who had a son called Tajdin. Korji's children settled in India while Hamir's children migrated to Africa.

Hamir Pardhan had 7 sons and one daughter called Sikina. She was married but had no children. His sons were Jaffer, Haji, Mohamed, Sachedina(Sachu as he was commonly addressed), Kassam, Jivraj, Ladak and Fazal. Jaffer and Sikina both died in Kutch and never came to East Africa. However it sure was totally different story with other children with the exception of Fazal. There is practically no information about Fazal except he had no children. Jaffer Hamir was married but had no children. He died in Kutch and his widow latter married Mr. Somji Pardhan who also had settled in Iringa, Tanganyika. It is not clear, out of Haji and Sachu, which brother came to Tanganyika first, though the timing between their arrival was short. It was Haji who was considered to have come first. They came to East Africa at the end of 19th Century or at the beginning of 20th Century.

Haji Hamir

Haji Hamir worked with Hirji Bhaloo briefly in Bagamoyo and Dar es Salaam, and then settled inland ,in the region of Southern Highlands, in a place called Kilosa. He had his own business. His family also continued to live in Kilosa. He had 3 sons Rajbali, Ahmed. and Sadrudin. and daughter Labai who married Kassam Dhalla (her second marriage; her first husband had passed); Rajbali married Jenna Gulamhussein Shivji and they had a son, Abdulsultan. Jenna passed away and he remarried to Marium Kanji Nanji and had 8 children Roshanali, Gulbanu, Shamshu, Zarina, Farida, Hamida, Amin, Nasir (passed away with Heart attack)

He was in Kilosa in December 1925 when a truck accident took the lives of three Ismailis, namely Missionary Khudabash Talib who was on a waez tour, Amaldari Karmali Daya from Dar es Salaam who was accompanying the missionary and Lalji Ladha, an Iringa resident who had gone to Kilosa to receive the missionary. Mr Haji Hamir is seen in the historical photograph showing the member of Kilosa Ismaili Jamat pictured beside the monument dedicated to these three members who were bestowed with title of Shaheeds.

Mr Haji Hamir apparently was tragically murdered (as per his granddaughter Gulbanu Badru Parpia) during the early part of Second world War. The story goes that some soldiers came to rob him of his money and he refused.

His brother

Sachu(Sachedina) Hamir

settled further inland in Iringa, where Germans had established their administration.

The German Colonial Handbook 1908 mentions the firm of "Sachu Hamir" as a merchant in Iringa in 1908.

He had two sons Abdulrasual and Rajabali and 3 daughters Labai (Mr Ladha Manji Haji's wife), Zera and Nuru. Nuru unfortunately died of burn injury. Mr Abdulrasul initially had a shop in Chunya and then moved to Mbeya but latter on returned to Iringa to continue his business there and look after his elderly parents. While in Mbeya, he also served as a Kamadia for the Mbeya Jamat during the period of 1935 to 1937 with Mr Gulamhussein Jiwan as Mukhi. List of Mukhis & Kamadias of Mbeya Jamat Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Rajbali joined his brother Abdulrasul in Chunya. After his brother moved to Mbeya, Rajbali moved to Kyela where his brother in law Ladha Manji Haji and his sister Labai had settled. He opened a shop in Kyela called "Mamba Store" and was dealing with crocodile hides and other general items. He had three daughters, Sultan, Shahla and Dilshad and two sons Fateh and Farid. Fateh in mid 1950's died in a drowning accident in Lake Nyassa (presently called Lake Malawi). He was a good swimmer but it was not clear what happened. Rajbali was a very sophisticated and a confident man, always well dressed. He and all his surviving children and their families, moved to USA in early 1970's. Sultan lives in Atlanta Georgia; Dilshad lives in Toronto Ontario and Shahla lives in Nairobi. His 2nd son Farid, after his stay in USA, moved back to Kenya. Rajbali and his wife lived in Atlanta and after his wife's passing, he moved back to Nairobi. He passed away there and is buried in Nairobi (as per his daughter Sultan, who lives in Atlanta Georgia)

Mohamed Hamir my maternal grandfather. followed his brothers Haji and Satchu around 1905-1906. He had to work as a masonry in Bombay for about six to eight months to earn his fare to Africa. He joined and worked with his brother Haji in Bagamoyo/Dar es Salaam and then worked briefly with his brother Satchu in Iringa before he decided to go on his own. In his first year he traded further inland, used to be called "Whiteman's grave" region and travelled by foot to remote areas of Langenburg (Tukuyu) and Maya (Kyela) at the shores of Lake Nyassa (Malawi) He would have a native (Pagazi-carrier) to accompany him; they would carry on their backs, 2 bundles each of cotton clothing called Mirikhani. The journey would take 12 to 24 days, depending on the weather, to reach a distance of about 300 miles. The route was from Iringa to Tosmaganga, Madbira, Malangali, Makambako, Isangu, Igali and end at Tukuyu and Masoko After about 6-7 trips, he decided to open a "dukha" in Iringa; he rented a "Tembe" (native hut), at 3 rupees a month rent. A year later, he bought a plot near the present Jamatkhana in Iringa and he also sent a word to his wife Bachibai to travel to Tanganyika. She with their first daughter Fatma then travelled to Bagamoyo and they stayed there 6 months before proceeding to Iringa when the house Mr Mohamed Hamir was building got completed.

Over the next two decades, he was successful in his business. During and after First World War, he was able to establish very good relationship with the German and later with British admistrators in Iringa and benefited from the war economy. He bought properties in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma and Iringa. He also went into partnership owning a sisal farm near Morogoro.

My grandparents Mohamed and Bachibai Hamir had four daughters Fatma, Sikina, Jena and youngest Rhemat and one son Akber. My aunts Fatma married Mohamed Ladha, Sikina married Bhimji Assar Sachedina, Jena married Ramzan Parpia. They all continued to live in Iringa and were in retail business.

Mohamed & Fatma Ladha's oldest son unfortunately died of "black water" fever; remaining children were three daughters Kulsum, Khatijha and Malek and surviving four sons Nazarali(Naji),Sadrudin, Mehdi and Amin. Kulsum married my father’s first cousin Mohamedali Abdulla Walji (Dr Hassanali Walji’s elder brother). Khatijha (Khatibai, as she was popularly known) was married to Karim Manji's son Hassanali, well known prosperous family in Iringa. The third daughter Malekbai got married to Abdul Hassam who became a manager of a car company in Iringa. The sons Nazarali(Naji), Sadru and Amin went into retail business in Iringa, while Mehdi , after marriage moved to Mwanza.

Bhimji & Sikina Assar Sachedina had 2 sons Fateh and Kabirdin and 3 daughters Roshan, Kulsum and Zaitoon. Elder son Fateh married my sister Kulsum; they initially had retail business in Iringa, Mbozi and finally in Dar es Salaam. Kabirdin and his mother had retail shop and also went into farming business.

Ramzan and Jennabai Parpia had 3 sons Badrudin, Sadrudin and Akber. They were in retail business run by Badrudin and his wife Gulbanu; Sadrudin worked as an accountant in Assar Moloo firm, a prominent family's business in Iringa and Akber, the youngest son and his mother bought a tobacco farm and ran it. Akber, later moved to Mombasa Kenya and became the manager of one of the largest bus company in Kenya, called Akamba Bus Service.

The youngest daughter Rhemat (my mother) got married to my father Fazal Manji (Lalji)(used Manji as his surname) from Tukuyu in 1931. This marriage was made to fulfil and honour the promise my father's uncle Kanji Lalji and his wife Sikina had made to Mohamed Hamir that one of the sons in their extended family will marry one of Mohamed Hamir's daughter. After her marriage, she moved to Tukuyu. Fazal & Rehmat Manji had retail business in Tukuyu and also went into partnership with his uncle Hussein Lalji forming a company called Hussein Lalji & Co. After the birth of their second child in mid 1930's they moved to Mbeya and went on their own. They were very successful in retail and wholesale business; also went into transport business which became 2nd largest private transport company in Mbeya Region. One of the activity of the transport business was involved with coffee transportation, after its harvest and drying process, in the month of June to September of each year. My father also had wholesale business, dealing in various produce; He had Caltex(petrol) agency and a gas station. He had Karimjee Jivanji & Co( most prominent family business company in East Africa) agencies dealing with insurance, Hamam soap and Michelin tyres etc.. He also acquired many properties in Mbeya, Mbozi Iringa and Dar es Salaam.

They had a total of 6 children; 3 sons Nurdin, Shamshudin, Mohamed and 3 daughters Kulsum, Malek and third daughter, a female infant who was stillborn. Nurdin and Shamshudin joined my father's business in which my mother Rehmat played a full part in its success. I, Mohamed, was named after my maternal grandfather Mohamed Hamir and I became a medical doctor, moved to Canada in 1972 and specialised in cancer treatments as a Radiation Oncologist at the prestigious Princess Margaret Hospital (now called Cancer Center) in Toronto.( see Khojawiki write up). My sister Kulsum married my cousin Fateh Bhimji Assar and my second sister Malek married Sadrudin, son of Mohamed Dewshi, one of the early famous business pioneers in Dar es Salaam.

My father Fazal Manji served as a member in The Aga Khan Supreme Council of Tanganyika, representing Sothern Highland Province of Tanganyika, for nearly 10 years in late 1950's and early & mid 1960's.

My uncle Akber got married to Kulsum Hirji Bhimji from Dar es Salaam. They were address by everybody as "mama and mami" They had 4 children; 3 sons Nizar Mohamed and Diamond and a daughter Yasmin. Uncle Akber looked after his father's properties, after his father's death; in 1960's he with his son Nizar opened a Lumber and hardware business. Like his father Mohamed Hamir, Akber Mama was dedicated to the community of Iringa. He oversaw the maintenance of Iringa Jamatkhana and as Iringa Ismailis were increasing in number, he undertook the expansion of the Jamatkhana building to accommodate population growth. He served as Mukhi of Iringa with Fateh Karim Lalji (my father Fazal Manji Lalji's first cousin) as Kamadia. They were honoured with the visit of Hazar Imam to Iringa in November 1966. After the acquisition of the properties in Tanzania by the Tanzanian government, he and my aunt Kulsum, their children and their families moved to Canada and USA. He and my aunt Kulsum passed away in Vancouver BC Canada.

Mohamed and Bachibai Hamir's children and their daughter's and son's children are very proud of his gift of an iconic Khoja Kutchi landmark, the Iringa Jamatkhana, to Mowlana Sultan Mohamed Shah. He financed the building of this Jamatkhana with his own money and built it in late 1920's and early 1930's during the recession of 1929 time,.( see Khojawiki write up: Iringa Jamatkhana. The life story of Mohamed Hamir, "a small man from Kutch with giant dreams for his community). He had hired a "Mistry" (which colloquially approximates to an engineer) by the name of Devji Dahya Visrolia. According to Devjibhai's son Jagdish Devji Visrolia (who was born in Iringa, still alive in his 90's and he used to accompany his father to the construction site of the Jamatkhana; this information received from him directly), his father "Mistry" Devji was the main person in charge of the building construction, including the foundation and building aspect, and modification changes to the Jamatkhana plans. Mistry Devji also was responsible for installing the clock mechanism within the clock tower. My nanabapa Mohamed Hamir did an impressive masonry work in the Jamatkhana building himself in this project. This Jamatkhana has served the Ismaili community and all the peoples of Iringa, Tanzania since then. The town people of Iringa still keep their time as per the Jamatkhana clock. It is considered as one of the most beautiful Jamatkhanas in the world.

All Mohamed and Bachibai Hamir's children and their families relocated to Canada and USA after the building take over by the Tanzanian Government in 1971. His grandchildren are well settled and successful

Ladak Hamir and Jivraj Hamir also followed their brothers (the exact year is not known). Ladak Hamir had a shop in New-Langenburg (Indians were calling it as "Langbose"),present day Tukuyu. It also had German administration there. His brother Jivraj Hamir was looking after that in early 1910's.

Jivraj Hamir initially settled in Tukuyu with his brother Ladak Hamir. They were together in small business but their partnership did not last long. Ladak Hamir moved to Bagamoyo and Jivraj Hamir moved to Dar es Salaam as his brother in law Mr Karim Janmohamed (used to be a farmer in Kutch) had settled in Dar es Salaam and had gone in to business there. Their wives were sisters. Jivraj Hamir had 3 sons, all born in Dar es Salaam. Akber Nurali and Kassamali. These 3 brothers unfortunately lost their parents at a very young age. They initially spent some time with their uncle Satchu Hamir but after a short time they moved back to Dar es Salaam to be under the care of their uncle Karim Janmohamed. They were educated in Dar and Mombasa. Janmohamed's family also came from Kutch and Karim Janmohamed brother Ismail Janmohamed's wife (from Hirji Bhaloo family) was related to Hamir Pardhan's family. ( information from Nurali Jivraj Hamir)

Akbar and Nurali were sent to continue their education in Mombasa and were accommodated in a private boarding house run by Mr Mohamed Premji and his wife. They stayed there for about six years. After Dar es Salaam boarding house was established, they moved back to Dar es Salaam to continue their education staying in the boarding house. They were also joined by their younger brother Kassamali who was living in Mbeya with is cousin Abulrashul Satchu Hamir.

Akber was married to Shirin and they had a daughter Yasmin and 2 sons Aminmohamed and Zauher. Aminmohamed moved to India ( his wife's relations were living in India) and Zauher has settled in Edmonton. Nurali Jivraj Hamir, on his guardian Karim Janmohamed advice, opened a leather shop in Dar es Salaam called Tanganyika Leather Mart. Karim Janmohamed's brother had a leather shop in India. It was a successful business and they ended up constructing a nice 2 story building. Following building nationalization by the socialist Tanzanian government, Mr Nurali and his wife Nurubai moved to the UK first for a short period and then emigrated to Montreal. Quebec Canada in 1976-1977. He got an employment in a clothing store and his wife worked in the garment factory. After retirement in Montreal in 1992, they decided to move to Toronto because their son Shiraz and their Dar es Salaam friends had settled there. Their daughter Gulshan and her husband Mirza Meghji emigrated to USA and have been well settled. Their oldest son Amir, after his education in Veterinary Science in Kenya, left East Africa and lived in Canada initially and then went to Australia and obtained his PhD in Veterinary Pathology. He 2009 joined University of Texas, M D Anderson Cancer Center Houston Texas as Professor to continue his pathology research. He passed away in 2012 in Houston, Texas.

Kassamali Jivraj Hamir, after his marriage to Roshan moved inland and open a shop in Magole, sisal estate region. Later he moved to Kilosa. He has three children. Oldest is Aminmohamed, followed by Anisa and then Karim. The family moved to Canada and are well settled in Alberta. Anisa after her marriage to Nasir Merali Juma moved to Toronto.

Ladak Hamir settled in Tukuyu and then Bagamoyo and had 2 sons. His first son died at the age of 3. His 2nd son was born in Bagamoyo and named Hassanali. Unfortunately his wife died during delivery. Ladak Hamir was greatly affected by the death of his wife. He left his 3 months old son with his brothers' families to be looked after and he disappeared. It is not known what happed to him; whether he returned to Kutch or settled elsewhere in another country is unknown. His son Hassanali grew up in other Hamir Brothers' families. According to his son Alnoor, his dad Hassanali worked as a labour on farms near Kilosa township, owned by the Europeans. When he became of age and when he was living in Iringa, his uncles arranged his marriage to Mr. Merali Shivji's daughter Nurbanu. Mr Merali Shivji had big business involving dealing with bees wax, Ghee and Gur (Jaggery) etc and thus he got Hassanali Hamir and his wife Nurbanu to open a branch in Rugewa (close to Mbeya Tanganyika) so that basic commodities to produce the items listed can be bought. In 1952 they were blessed with the birth of son Alnoor, their only child. In 1960, Hassanali Hamir was involved in bus service and automobile spare parts businesses. Alnoor after moving to Canada bought an auto spare shop in Burnaby, which he presently is running. Hassanali and his wife Nurbanu stayed in Iringa. In 1991, Hassanali Hamir died of a heart attack and is buried in Iringa. Nurbanu moved to Vancouver to be with her son and daughter in law Rosmin. She passed away in Vancouver in 2006.

Kassam Hamir settled in Dodoma, Tanzania. He had three sons, Shamshudin(commonly known as Babu), Kamrudin (commonly known as Bachu), Juma (commonly known as Jimmy)and daughter Zera. With information obtained from Aminmohamed (Bachu) Hamir is as follows.

Babu with his brother Jimmy worked for East African Railways as heavy-duty truck mechanic. After leaving East African Railways, joined Bagwandas Bus Service of Arusha. He with his family came to Canada; he initially settled in Toronto and then moved to Edmonton Alberta. He had 2 sons Salim & Alnoor (who passed away) and 2 daughters Fatma and Shairoz. Babu passed away in Edmonton.

Bachu who had his own Automotive Garage business in Dodoma; came to Canada with his wife Sakerkhanu and children Aminmohamed, Riaz, Al-Karim and Shabir. They settled in Toronto. Aminmohamed and his wife Arzina( Kanji Kachara's daughter of Singida) served as Mukhi/Mukhiani of Don Mills Jamatkhana. He also is an established real estate agent in Toronto. Bachu and his wife Sakerkhanu both have passed away in Toronto.

Jimmy(Juma) Hamir moved to Canada and was living in Vancouver BC. His sons Farid lives in Vancouver; Karim lives in Houston USA and Shiraz passed away. Jimmy also passed away in Vancouver. Kassam Hamir's daughter Zera has 2 sons Amin & Mehboob. She also passed away.

Hamir Pardhan's sons moved to Tanganyika as it was called then (presently Tanzania) at a time when crossing the Indian Ocean from Kutch India was dangerous; the country of Tanganyika was not developed; settling in the interior of the country was like putting a noose around your own neck; thus it was called "The Whiteman's grave" region. But these hard working, committed and resilient Hamir Brothers managed to do all this. Lots of other brave Indian families, at the beginning of 20th Century, did the same. They became integral part of Tanganyika which became Tanzania after independence. These kind of families developed the interior, contributed to the economy of the country, invested in land and houses, participated in building schools and other projects. It unfortunately all came to an end in early 1970's when the socialist Tanzanian government nationalised their properties, in most cases without paying compensation. The children and grandchildren of Hamir Brothers had to leave the country which they felt they were part of, and settled in Western countries. Some of them had to cross another ocean, this time the Atlantic Ocean. With their inherited genes from their grandfathers - Hamir Brothers, of resilience, commitment, hard-working and strong community involvement, , they also have done similar things in whatever Western country they have settled and have become very successful.

Acknowledgement: Author like to acknowledge his late mother Rehmat Fazal Manji(RIP) and his late great aunt Mrs Sikina Kanji Lalji(RIP), who had moved to Tanganyika in early 20th Century, for providing most of the information over the years for this article. Thanks to Mr Jagdish Devji Visrolia for providing an invaluable information of his father Mistry Devji and Iringa Jamatkhana construction; also thank, Gulbanu Badru Parpia, Badru Ladha Manji Haji, Sultan( Rajbali Hamir) Premji, Uncle Nurali Jivraj Hamir, Gulshan (Hamir) Meghji, Anisa(Hamir)Juma , Alnoor H. Hamir and Aminmohamed (Bachu) Hamir for providing photos and further information

mmanji/Nov 2021

Author: Dr Mohamed Fazal Manji, who is originally from Mbeya Tanzania, is a cancer specialist and is a Consultant Radiation Oncologist at BC Cancer Agency of British Columbia, Canada. He is also a Clinical Associate Professor, University of British Columbia. He is the grandson of Nanabapa Alijah Mohamed Hamir and nanimaa Alijahbanu Bachibai Mohamed Hamir; son of their daughter Raibanu Rehmat Fazal Manji and son in law Rai Fazal Manji (Lalji) of Mbeya Tanzania. Dr Manji immigrated to Canada in mid 1972 when there were about fifty to sixty Ismailis in Toronto. In summer of 1973, he was appointment by Hazar Imam to be the first Member for Health in the first Aga Khan Ismaili Regional Council of Ontario and Quebec under President Riaz Jethwani for a period of 3 years. After specializing as Radiation Oncologist at Princess Margaret Hospital (now known as Cancer Center)in 1977, he moved to Vancouver BC.

'My Lalji Bharmal Clan.-Khoja Kutchi Family:Their settlement and involvement in Tanganyika & Beyond.

Dr Mohamed (Mo) Fazal Manji(Lalji). MD,DMRT,DABRT,FRCPC


The story of Lalji Bharmal clan starts in the village of Sinugra, Kutch India. It is a short distant from the capital of Kutch, Bhuj and the town of Anjar

Map of India showing Kutch Region.JPG

Map of India showing Kutch Region

Sinugra and Nagalpur region, Kutch India.JPG
Sinugra and Nagalpur region, Kutch India 1.JPG

The history of Kutch can be traced back to prehistorical times. City of Bhuj connects one to a range of civilizations and important events in South Asian history through prehistoric archaeological finds, remnants of the Indus Valley Civilization (Harappans), places associated with the Mahabharata and Alexander the Great's march into India, Greco-Bactrian Kingdom of Menander I, tombs, palaces and other buildings from the rule of the Naga chiefs, the Jadeja Rajputs, the Gujarat Sultans and the British Raj. Over the 4000-year inhabitation of Kutch, it developed trading and migratory relationships with ancient civilizations as far abroad as Zanzibar, the Middle East and Greece, fostering a unique ethnic mix of peoples and traditions in the region.

Kutch was affected by devastating earthquake in 1819, another one in 1956, tropical cyclone in 1998 and again another earthquake in 2001. The state saw rapid industrialization and growth in tourism in subsequent years.

Upon the independence of India in 1947, Kutch acceded unto the dominion of India and was constituted an independent commissionaire. It was created a state within the union of India in 1950. On 1 November 1956, Kutch State was merged with Bombay state, which in 1960 was divided into the new linguistic states of Gujarat and Maharashtra, with Kutch becoming part of Gujarat state as Kutch district.

Kutchi People

Kutch has been a significant confluence point for different races and people. The nomadic herdsmen are certainly the most interesting and their links can be traced on one side to Marwar, Mewar (regions of Rajasthan), and Saurashtra; while on the other side, Sindh and beyond to Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia. The population consists of various groups and communities like Jadejas, Bhanushalis, Lohanas, Jains, Brahamans, Maheshwaris, Bhatias, Rajputs, Gurjar Kshatriyas, Khojas, Memons, Shias, Sunnis, Kharvas, Mali Samaj, Rabaris, Rajgor, Baluch, Kharva Meghvals, Leva Patel, Wankars, Vankaras, Ahirs, Shah, DhanetahJaths, Halepotra, Bhadalas, Raisipotra, Sammas, Node, Gosains, Gadhvis, Kapdis, Soda Rajputs and many more groups.

Maritime history shows that there were trade links between Kutch and other part of Gujarat and East Africa for many centuries. In mid and late 19th Century, there was initially Indian migration to East Africa to build railway lines however there was migration of families purely to establish trading posts called dukas, even before building the railways. In the beginning, these were along the railway lines however at the end of 19th and early 20th Centuries; these dukas were established in unexplored and dangerous regions of East Africa. One of such family from Kutch region was of my great grandfather Lalji Bharmal and also of his brothers’ families from Sinugra, Kutch India. They settled in undeveloped and unexplored regions of Sothern Highlands, Central and Northern parts of Tanganyika

Map of Tanganyika.JPG

Map Of Tanganyika (Tanzania)

Map of Southern Highland Province of Taganyika.JPG

Map of Southern Highland Province of Tanganyika (Tanzania)

Lalji Bharmal's name goes back to four more generation. The full name is LALJI BHARMAL RANA TEJPAR TESI (as told to me by my grandfather Manji Lalji Bharmal). The name Tejpar is being disputed; is it Tejpar or Teja; and also the name Tesi- is it Tesi or Tusi. However as per my grandfather Manji Lalji, who made me memorise the names, were Tejpar and Tesi. So as he was the oldest member I got the information from, we will stick to Tejpar & Tesi. Before Tesi, nothing much is known about and nothing much is known about Tejpar or Tesi themselves.


Rana. As per my grandfather Manj Lalji, his great grandfather Rana was a popular person in Kutch. He specifically stressed that Rana had a very strong personality, a leader , a helpful person for every community, fought for injustice, a straight-forward man, and was well respected person in that part of Kutch. He was an expert in stick (lathi) fighting and used this skill for protection. My grandfather labelled him as a true “RANA”. Rana is a Rajput title, equivalent to Monarch, a king. Rana had two sons. Bhallo and Bharmal. Bhallo the older brother was well off son.


Bharmal was the younger and poor son of Rana. Oral family history states that after the death of Rana, Bharmal looked after his mother. As told to me by my grandfather Manji Lalji Bharmal that during one of visit of Imam Hassanali Shah, she wanted to present "memani" (offering) to the Imam. While waiting for Bharmal, who happened to have been delayed to arrive from his employment on the farm where he was working at, she requested one "Kori""(small amount of Kutch money) from her older son Bhallo who had arrived earlier. . Bhallo refused, instructing her to get it from Bharmal. She thus continued to wait at the entrance of this small gathering for Bharmal to arrive. On Bharmal's arrival, she got her "Kori" from him. It so happened, Imam Hassanali Shah had noticed this incident. At the presentation of her offering, Imam Hassanali Shah asked her about the incident which she humbly explained. He blessed her and her son Bharmal and stated to her that her son Bharmal’s progeny will carry on for many, many, many (three times) generations and they would be very successful and would remain devoted.

Bharmal had 5 known sons; 'Hassam, Bhoja, Jivraj, Lalji, Kassam and daughter Purbai' (who was Mr. Suleman Dharsee's (from Chunya) maternal grandmother). There also was another daughter but there is no record or information.

Hassam Bharmal

Hassam Bharmal had a son named Jaffer whose son Mohamedali owned a famous restaurant (a hang-out for all Indian communities) in Mombasa called BLUE ROOM RESTAURANT. Hassam also had a daughter Satbai who was Ladha Manji Haji's (from Kyela and Mbeya) grandmother. Hassam Bharmal had 3 other sons but their names and history is not known. It is said that Hassam had moved to Karachi and he died there.

Bhoja Bharmal

Bhoja Bharmal had a son called Datoo and four daughters ( Manbai, Bagbai,Hurbai and Hansbai). Datoo had 4 sons, Abdulla, Rajbali Lutufali and Abdul, and daughter called Rutabai. Abdulla settled in Dar es Salaam, Lutufali in Mbulu and Rajbali in Mbugwe and Abdul in Morogoro. The daughters - Hirbai married Hasham Jivraj of Mbugwe, Fatma married Rajbali Hirji of Arusha and Nanbai married to Walji Haji.

Jivraj Bharmal

Jivraj Bharmal married twice as his first wife had no children. With his second wife, he had 4 sons Hirji, Shivji, Ali and Satchoo and 4 daughters Bhag, Sikina, Virbai, Lalbai and Minbai. Ali had no children and died in India. Hirji was married twice to Bhachibai first and then to her sister Nurbanu. They had two sons Mohamed and Murad who are currently living in Calgary; both are married. Satchoo, who was an Ismaili, like all Bharmal clan, changed his religion and became an Ithnashari after his marriage to an Ithnashari lady. Both Ismaili and Ithnashari are sects of Shia Muslim. Both communities were from Khoja community and had common culture. As I was told that because of economical reasons (Ismaili community in Kutch at that time was overall poor compared to Ithnashari community); it was not uncommon practice for an Ismaili youth to change to Ishnatharis sect if he gets married (arranged marriages) to Ithnashari bride. They were also supported in opening up a shop or in their vocation. Shivji had 3 sons Hussein, Pyarali, Abdul and 3 daughters Jena, Dilshad and Roshan. Daughter Jena was married to Subzali Sajan of Arusha; Dilshad was married to Hassanali Walji Gela and Roshan was married to her 2nd cousin Fazal Moloo Kassam of Singida, who presently is living in Calgary at the age 94. Shivji’s son Hussein was married twice -to Jena and Shrin (last name not known); Pyarali was married to Nurbanu (last name not known) and Abdul was married to Gulshan Tharani.

Abdul Shivji Jivraj Bharmal had settled in Arusha, Tanganyika but after the migration of Indian Tanzanians, following nationalization of properties by the socialist government of Tanzania, he with his family moved to the UK and settled in London, England where he passed away. His family then moved to Calgary Alberta Canada. Abdul & Gulshan had 2 sons, Salim & Alnoor.


Kassam Bharmal

1 Kassam Bharmal Oct 1935 India photo Hassanali Walji Kassam.JPG

Kassam Bharmal Oct 1935 India: photo Hassanali Walji Kassam

2 Kassam Bharmal - sketched by Cecilia Diaz Beneke great great grandson's wife.JPG

Kassam Bharmal - sketched by Cecilia Diaz Beneke great great grandson's wife

3 Karim Lalji Bharmal (standing) with Uncle Kassam Bharmal Oct 1935 photo Hassanali Walji Kassam collection.JPG

Karim Lalji Bharmal (standing) with Uncle Kassam Bharmal Oct 1935. photo: Hassanali Walji Kassam collection

(Information given to me by my paternal aunt Fatmabai (Manji Lalji Bharmal) Karmali Kassam and Amin Abdul Jaffer Kassam Bharmal)

Kassam Bharmal was the youngest son. He had five sons; Jaffer, Moloo, Ismail, Walji, and Mohamed,

Jaffer married 3 times. Satbai, Lalbai (daughter of Manek Muman) and Kulsumbai (daughter of Damji Parpia) He had a son and a daughter with the first wife and a son and daughter with the 2nd wife; not known whether he had any children with the 3rd wife. However from another source of information obtained, it appears that he had more than 2 sons; his sons name were Rajbali, Suleman, Abdul and Mehdi, Daughters name were Malek and Zarina. Rajbali had settled in Mbulu where he died in 1945. Suleman settled in Kampala where he died in 1932.

Abdul Jaffer Kassam Bharmal & Gulshakar (Jessa Khimji) Abdul Jaffer. Photo Amin Jaffer collection.JPG
Abdul Jaffer Kassam Bharmal & Gulshakar (Jessa Khimji) Abdul Jaffer. Photo Amin Jaffer collection (2).JPG

Abdul Jaffer Kassam Bharmal & Gulshakar (Jessa Khimji) Abdul Jaffer. Photo Amin Jaffer collection

Abdul settled in Arusha/Mbulu region. He was married to Gulshakar Jessa Khimji and they had nine sons Amin, Haiderali (1942-1967), Shamshudin, Shiraz, Anver, Mehboob, Noorallah, Karim, Sultan and one daughter Zarina. They had a sugarcane and a cash-crop farms. Amin lives in Edmonton and Shamshudin lives in Atlanta Georgia.

3 Amin Abdul Jaffer Kassam & wife Zarina Photo Amin Jaffer collection.JPG

Amin Abdul Jaffer Kassam & wife Zarina Photo Amin Jaffer collection

Amin Abdul Jaffer married Zarina, daughter of Ismail Habib Hirji Lalani of Moshi; they have a daughter Hafeeza and son Shafiq. Hafeeza is married to David Kennedy. Hafeeza and her husband are graphic artists and they have their own business. Shafiq lives in Boston USA and works as a chemical engineer with Total Energy French Company. He is married to Cecilia Diaz Beneke, a fellow engineer from Guatemala.

4 Abdul Jaffer Kassam Bharmal Family at the wedding of his granddaughter Zeenah and Duc - Montreal 2019 Photo Amin Jaffer collection.JPG

Abdul Jaffer Kassam Bharmal Family at the wedding of his granddaughter Zeenah and Duc - Montreal 2019 Photo Amin Jaffer collection

Shamshudin Abdul Jaffer and his wife Yasmin (Harji) have settled in Atlanta Georgia. They have two Daughters Shamina and Alisha.

5 Photo Amin Jaffer collection.JPG

Abdul Jaffer Kassam Bharmal Family Tree Photo Amin Jaffer collection

Moloo Kassam Bharmal

Moloo was the 2nd son of Kassam Bharmal. He had 6 sons and 8 daughters from his 2nd wife. (The first wife was his brother Ismail's widow with her husband Ismail’s son Ladak.) Moloo had no issues with her and thus took the second wife. It was the practice at that time that in a monogamous society, the men would take a second wife, after passing of the first wife or if there were no issues in the first marriage but with the consent of the first wife). His sons' names were Fazal, Amir, Hassan, Abdul, Sadrudin, Nazir and Zulficar. His daughters” name were Shirin, Roshan, Nasim, Gulzar, Almas, Mehrun, Daulat and Nujehan. Moloo's children all settled in the Mbulu and Singida region of Tanganyika (Tanzania).

1 Fazal Moloo Kassam (1947) Photo Dr Moh'd Manji.JPG

Fazal Moloo Kassam (1947) Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Fazal Moloo Kassam Photo Shamila Kassam.JPG

Fazal Moloo Kassam ( circa 2020) Photo Shamila Kassam

Fazal Mollo Kassam Bharmal was married to his 2nd cousin Roshan Shivji Jivraj Bharmal. He and his cousin Hassanali Walji Kassam Bharmal were in the first batch of six students out of fourteen students at Aga Khan Boys School in Dar es Salaam to pass the Senior Cambridge exams. A milestone in the history of Ismaili education system of Tanganyika. After his completion of schooling and following witnessing of Diamond Jubilee Celebration of Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah in Dar es Salaam in 1946, he was sent to Mbeya, by his father, to work with my father Fazal Manji Lalji Bharmal. When I contacted him recently he informed me that he remembers my birth on 11, July 1947 and he with my sister Kulsum took care of me when I was an infant. In early 1948 on January 30, 1948.when the Indian community was mourning the death of Mahatma Gandhi and shops in Mbeya were closed, he left Mbeya and moved back to Mbulu, his birth place. He started his own business in partnership with his cousin. After his marriage to Roshan he moved to Singida and started his auto spares business. He left Tanzania and came to Toronto and after two years there, he moved and settled in Calgary. He still lives there and is of 94 years in age. His only daughter Shamila also lives in Calgary

Ismail Kassam Bharmal

Ismail- The third son of Kassam Bharmal was Ismail. He was married to Bachibai Merali. Their only child, a son Ladak came to Tanganyika and settled in Kilosa. He was married to Sugrabai Kanji and they had five sons - Nurali, Sadrudin,Mohamed, Shamash, Anwer and 2 daughters Kulsum, Zarina. Kulsum and Nurali have passed away. They all have settled in USA except Shamash and Zarina who have settled in Calgary Alberta Canada.

Walji Kassam Bharmal

was the youngest son of Kassam Bharmal.

Walji Kassam Photo Kamaludin W Kassam collection.JPG

Walji Kassam Photo Kamaludin W Kassam collection

2 Walji Kassam Photo Kamaludin W Kassam collection.JPG

Walji Kassam Photo Kamaludin W Kassam collection

3 Mrs Jennabai Walji Kassam Photo Kamaludin W Kassam collection.JPG

Mrs Jennabai Walji Kassam Photo Kamaludin W Kassam collection

He had settled in Moshi Tanganyika. His first wife Hirbai was the daughter of Ismail Janmohamed (also from Kutch and had settled in Dar es Salaam; he ran a wholesale and retail business and ran it with his son Mohamed).They had 2 sons Hassanali and Abdul and a daughter Fariyal. Hassanali served as Honorary Secretary in the Aga Khan Regional Council of Moshi & Arusha. After passing of Walji's first wife Hirbai, he married Jennabai. They had 2 daughters Malek and Zarin and 3 sons Sadru (Sadrudin), Amin and Kamalu (Kamaludin). Sadru and Malek passed away in Toronto. Walji Kassam and his sons had retail and wholesale business in Moshi Tanzania. They used to be my father’s agents in Moshi.

4 Mr & Mrs Hassanali Walji Kassam garlanding Hazar Imam during his visit to Moshi photo Amin Jaffer collection.JPG

Mr & Mrs Hassanali Walji Kassam garlanding Hazar Imam during his visit to Moshi photo Amin Jaffer collection

Mohamed Kassam Bharmal

Mohamed (wife Labai),the son of Kassam Bharmal.had eight children- Karim, Raju (Rajbali), Fatma, Nuru, Zera, Sakar, Farida and Amirali.

1 Karim Mohamed Kassam Bharmal Photo Dr Mohd Manji collection.JPG

Karim Mohamed Kassam Bharmal Photo Dr Mohd Manji collection

Amirali Mohamed Kassam Bharmal. Photo Dr Moh d Manji collection.JPG

Amirali Mohamed Kassam Bharmal. Photo Dr Moh d Manji collection

Karim and Amir Mohamed Kassam were together in business in Tukuyu, Kyela region and then Mbeya, Tanzania where most of the Lalji and Mohamed Kassam Bharmal clan had settled after coming to Tanganyika. Karim Mohamed Kassam Bharmal and his brother Aminali had successful business in Mbeya buying produce specially coffee. Amir passed away in Mbeya.

Karim Mohamed Kassam Bharmal served as Mukhi of Mbeya Jamatkhana in 1963-1964 period. He and his wife Roshan had 3 daughters Fatma (Shulla),Gulshan, Yasmin and two sons Nazim(Jim) and Alnoor. He passed away in London, UK where he settled after leaving Mbeya. Jim was killed at a young age in a car accident while driving on his way to Mbeya from Singida where his mother's Mawani family were living He was buried in Mbeya. Yasmin and Alnoor passed away in London England.

Amirali Mohamed Kassam Bharmal also served as Kamadia of Mbeya Jamatkhana in 1972-1973 period and then as Mukhi 1974-1975 period. He passed away in Mbeya on 18th Oct 1998.

Lalji Bharmal

Lastly my great grandfather Lalji Bharmal and Lalji Bharmal Clan

Lalji Bharmal, circa- mid 1920s.JPG

Lalji Bharmal, circa- mid 1920s Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Lalji was the forth son of Bharmal. He was married to Jeevah who was Sumar's daughter and Hirji Rajpar Kalyan's cousin. Lalji Bharmal and his fore fathers have always resided in Sinugra Kutch. Hirji Rajpar Kalyan’s family lived very closely in the nearby village of Nagalpur Kutch.


Lalji Bharmal (standing extreme right back raw) with his sons Manji & Kanji, daughter Minbai & daughter in law Sikina (Hirji Kalyan) Kanji Lalji and grand children (Manji & Kanji Lalji’s children) with Hirji Rajpar Kalyan and his wife. Sinugra, Kutch circa mid1920's Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Lalji Bharmal & his wife Jeevah had 7 sons and 3 daughters - Veerbai, Manji, Karim (1), Ladak, Ismail, Kanji, Hussein, Karim (2), Maanbai and Minbai. Lalji Bharmal did farming with his son Manji on a small piece of land called Ghundhi Wadi (farm). Veerbai the eldest child unfortunately, while helping on the farm, was bitten by a rabid dog and she died of it. They also lost 3 of their sons; Karim(1), their 3rd child was working as an accountant in Mumbai, died in the plague epidemic and was buried in Mumbai attended by his brother Manji. Ladak, the 4th child drowned in a well while working on their farm. Ismail the 5th child also passed away, cause unknown.

Lalji Bharmal Children

Lalji Bharmal Children 2.JPG

Lalji Bharmal family was large and depended on the limited income from their small Khundhi Wadi (farm). Mowlana Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah Aga Khan III had advised the community in Kutch and Khatiawad to go to East Africa for economical betterment. Lalji Bharmal decided to send one of the sons.

Manji Lalji

Manji Lalji Bharmal Photo Dr Moh d Manji collection.JPG

Manji Lalji Bharmal

Manji Lalji Bharmal (my grandfather) was the eldest son of Lalji Bharmal. He was farming with his father on a small field of land called Gundhi Wadi (farm). He was initially engaged to his cousin (mama’s daughter) but she died before their marriage. He then got married to Tejbai Thawar Mawani who was the sister of six brothers - Lalji Thawar, Mohamed Thawar, Ali Thawar, Ladak Thawar, Karim Thawar and Shivji Thawar. She also had a sister Satbai (wife of Abdulla Walji of Mbeya and mother of Mohamed Walji, Dr Hassanali Walji (Mbeya & Nairobi), Gullie (Gulamali) Walji and Gulbanu and grandmother of Dr Anil Hassanali Walji of Edmonton Alberta. He came to Tanganyika for good in 1948 and lived with us till his death in Mbeya on 18th September 1963 at the age of 86 years.

Travel Document for Manji Lalji 2.JPG

Travel Information

Manji & Tejbai Lalji Bharmal had 4 sons - Ladha, Fazal (my father), Walji & Jaffer. Jaffer died of small pox complication when he was in grade 3. They had 5 daughters the oldest being Fatma (husband-Karmali Kassam Haji), Shirin (husband- Hassam Rashid Kanji), Jena (Husband- Mohamed Bandali), Khatun (Husband - Rhemtulla (Dhallu) Manji Bandali), Nuru (Husband -Fazal Sachedina, uncle of Dr Shafik Hussein Sachedina)

Ladha Manji Lalji 1.JPG

Ladha Manji Lalji

Fazal Manji (Lalji).JPG

Fazal Manji (Lalji)

Walji Manji (Lalji).JPG

Walji Manji (Lalji)

Fatma Karmali Kassam.JPG

Fatma K. Kassam

15 Jenna Mohamedali Bandali.JPG

Jenna. Mohamed Bandali

Khatun Rhemtulla (Dhallu) Manji Bandali.JPG

Khatun Rhemtulla (Dhallu) Manji Bandali

17 Shirin Hassam Rashid Kanji.JPG

Shirin H. R, Kanji

18 Nurbanu Fazal Sachedina.JPG

Nurubanu F Sachedina

Photos: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Note: my father Fazal and my uncle Walji dropped their surname "Lalji" at request of the British administrating officer, to avoid confusion, as all their children's last names were registered as "Manji".

19 Manji Lalji with his 3 sons Ladha, Fazal & Walji and grandsons Nurdin (Fazal) & Sadrudin (Ladha) Manji circa late 1930's..JPG

Manji Lalji with his 3 sons Ladha, Fazal & Walji and grandsons Nurdin (Fazal) & Sadrudin (Ladha) Manji circa late 1930's. Photos: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Ladha Manji Lalji

Ladha Manji Lalji.JPG

Ladha Manji Lalji

Sadru Postway.JPG

Sadru (Postway) Ladha Manji Lalji

Ladha Manji Lalji came to Tukuyu with his Uncle Wadabapa Kanji Lalji in early 1923, at an young age of 12 years and settled there. He went into retail business. He married his cousin, daughter of Abdulla Walji who had settled in Mbeya. They had 2 sons Sadrudin and Mohbat and 3 daughters Shureen, Hamida and Ronak. Sadrudin (commonly Known as Sadru Post Way) moved to Mbeya and open a men clothing shop, known as Post Way Store. He married Dilshad daughter of Varas Rhemtulla (Rhemu) Karim Manji, a prominent person in Mbeya and Iringa region. Sadru and Mohbat have settled in Calgary and Ronak settled in the UK after her marriage. Shureen, Sadru and Mohbat, all three of them had inherited beautiful singing voice and all of them were and are regularly requested to recite Ginans (religious hymns). Shureen and Hamida passed away in Tukuyu and Mbeya respectively.

Fazal Manji (Lalji), my father

Rai Fazal Manji 1.JPG
Fazal Manji Lalji.JPG

Rai Fazal Manji (Lalji)

24 Raibanu Rehmat Fazal Manji.JPG

Raibanu Rehmat Fazal Manji

Fazal Manji, my father, came to Tanganyika in 1927, at the age of sixteen, in the company of his uncle Walji Kassam Bharmal. Following their disembarkation in Mombasa they came to Moshi where Mr Walji Kassam had settled. Fazal Manji went to Tukuyu via Dodoma, and Iringa. He worked in Masoko for one year and then moved to Tukuyu to open his own shop. He had a debt of Shs 25,000, money borrowed from his uncle Kanji Lalji and Suleman Pardhan. He used Shs 5000 for his marriage. He married my mother Rehmat Mohamed Hamir on 5th November 1931. She was the daughter of Alijah Mohamed Hamir who at that time built Iringa's Jamatkhana with his own money and donated to Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah. This marriage was arranged by my father's aunt Raibanu Sikinabai Kanji Lalji who had promised Alijah Mohamed Hamir that one of her Lalji Bharmal nephews will marry one of Mohamed Hamir's daughters. My father's best man was Mr Moloo Manji and guests were his uncle Mr Karim Lalji Bharmal & his wife Nurbanu (Saleh Haji), his brother Ladha Manji Lalji and his cousin Ladha Manji Haji who was working in Iringa with Mr Hassam Ladha.

25 Standing– Fazal Manji (Lalji) , Uncle Karim Lalji and brother Ladha Manji Lalji. Sitting- Rehmat Fazal Manji and Nurbanu Karim Lalji.JPG

Standing– Fazal Manji (Lalji) , Uncle Karim Lalji and brother Ladha Manji Lalji. Sitting- Rehmat Fazal Manji and Nurbanu Karim Lalji with her sons Fateh & Shamshu. Circa 1931 wedding .Iringa. Photos: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Before marriage, my father and two Somji brothers - Yusuf and Hussein Rashid Somji were sharing the house they were living in Tukuyu. After my parent's marriage, both these Somji brothers made my mother their 'blood sister". This relation between my mother and Somji brother's families, over the time, remained very strong. This strong relation has continued with the next generation in Canada as well.

My father did well in business in Tukuyu and went into partnership with his uncle Mr Hussein Lalji- Hussein Lalji & Company. His uncle had already moved to Mbeya at that time. They were dealing with purchasing of coffee, tea & beans. After the birth of their second child Kulsum, they had to wind up the business and partnership, as their new born daughter was frequently getting sick in damp Tukuyu weather; at the doctor’s advice, they moved to Mbeya.

My parents had total of six children- 3 sons Nurdin, Shamshudin (Shamshu) & youngest Mohamed (myself); 3 daughters Kulsum, Malek and the third daughter who died at birth.

Nurdin Fazal Manji 2.JPG

Nurdin Fazal Manji

Kulsum Fateh Assar 4.JPG

Kulsum Fateh Bhimji Assar

Malek (Manji) s Dewshi.JPG

Malek Sadrudin Mohamed Dewshi

Shamshudin Fazal Manji 1998.JPG

Shamshudin Fazal Manji

Dr Mo Manji 4.JPG

Mohamed Fazal Manji

Fazal & Rehmat Manji with family circa 1936 & 1946 Photos Dr Moh'd Manji collection 1.JPG
26 Fazal & Rehmat Manji with family circa 1936 & 1946 Photos Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG 2.JPG

Fazal & Rehmat Manji with family circa 1936 & 1946: Photos: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

In Mbeya, my father was quite successful in business and my mother played a major role in his success and my father was quite receptive to her input. My mother Rehmat, like her father Mohamed Hamir and her Hamir Uncles, was hard working, committed and resilient person. She was fully involved in the running of the business, buying of properties and overall family matters. Even following our move to Canada, all of us children, would seek her advice and input. In early 1940's, they got the Karimjee Jivanjee & Co Ltd's agency for Southern Highland region. Karimjee Jivanjee Family were well established business family of Dar es Salaam since mid 19th Century. The relation between our two families became close with time and lasted for many decades. During the Dar es Salaam Takht Nashini (His Highness the Aga Khan IV Ceremonial Installation) in October 1957, we were invited by the Karimjee family to be their guest and we stayed with Mr. & Mrs. Alibhai M A Karimjee (cousin of Mr AbdulKarim Y A Karimjee) at their residence in Oyster Bay, Dar es Salaam. The adults in our family were also invited at the dinner party for The Aga Khan, hosted by Mr AbdulKarim Y A Karimjee, the Mayor of Dar es Salaam and future Speaker of the Parliament in the Government of Tanganyika. This was one of the most memorable times for the whole of our family.

The Karimjee Agency made my father’s company the sole agents, in the region, for International Motor Mart Ltd, Caltex Oil Company, Michelin Tyres, All India Insurance Company etc. They also had large transport department becoming the 2nd largest transport company in Mbeya. They had both goods and passenger services; also had a Caltex gas station in Mbeya named Star Service Station He was also an agent for Bagwandas Bus Service of Arusha. Their bus service operated from Arusha to Mbeya via Dodoma & Iringa. We also developed close personal relationship with Bagwandas family My parents were also able to invest in properties in Mbeya, Dar es Salaam, Iringa Mbozi etc

Fazal Manji Stalls Mbeya Business Expositions circa early and mid 1950’s respectively Photos Dr Moh'd Manji collection 1.JPG
1 Fazal Manji Stalls Mbeya Business Expositions circa early and mid 1950’s respectively Photos Dr Moh'd Manji collection 2.JPG

Fazal Manji Stalls - Mbeya Business Expositions circa early and mid 1950’s respectively: Photos: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

My eldest brother Nurdin joined my father's business in 1951 and expanded the business in the name of Fazal Manji & Sons.The business included second largest privately owned goods and passenger transport services in Mbeya region, agencies of Karimjee Jivanji & Co Ltd dealing with International Motor Mart Ltd, Caltex Oil Company, Michelin Tires, All India Insurance Company etc In 1960s, Nurdin also ran Caltex Star Service Station and Red Star Transport Service in Mbeya.. He also opened an auto spare shop called Nurdin's Auto Spares. My second brother Shamshudin joined the business in early 1958. He expanded the whole business and obtained Coca Cola, Tanganyika Fishnet agencies. Prior to Nationalization in 1971, he also was in negotiation with foreign companies in bringing in manufacturing industry in partnership with my brother in law Sadru Mohamed Dewshi.

Caltex Star Service Station Mbeya.JPG

Caltex Star Service Station Mbeya

Red Star Transport Service 1965 Mbeya.JPG

Red Star Transport Service

My father, my mother and I had the opportunity to visit Kutch in 1969. This was my father's first and the only visit back to Sinugra. My mother unfortunately could not accompany us to Kutch as she developed hepatitis on this Indian trip and had to recover which she did in Mumbai staying at our relations Mohamed Korji family at Aga Hall, Mumbai. Our visit to Sinugra Kutch was pleasant and very rewarding for me as I was fortunate to see where my forefathers lived; where my great grandfather (Lalji Bharmal) and my grandfather (Manji Lalji Bharmal) earned their living by farming on Gundhi Wadi in Sinugra Kutch; saw the house where my father and his siblings were born and also saw the nearby 3 adjoining houses where the other Lalji Bharmal's sons lived.

Sinugra Kutch India 1969 Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Sinugra Kutch India 1969 Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

GUNDHI WADI (farm) belonged to Lalji Bharmal family. Sinugra Kutch India 1969 Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection 1.JPG

GUNDHI WADI (farm) belonged to Lalji Bharmal family. Sinugra Kutch India 1969 Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Mohamed Fazal Manji at Gundhi Wadi belonged to Lalji Bharmal family Sinugra Kutch India 1969 Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Mohamed Fazal Manji at Gundhi Wadi belonged to Lalji Bharmal family Sinugra Kutch India 1969: Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection


Lalji Bharmal House where my father Fazal Manji Lalji was born. Next to this house there are 3 adjoining houses for other Lalji Bharmal sons where they with their families lived Sinugra Kutch 1969. Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection


My father Fazal Manji Lalji (sitting Left) and I, Mohamed Fazal Manji (standing left) with Mrs Manji Bandali (sitting Right) & her family & with Mr & Mrs Dhalu Master (Standing Right and sitting 2nd from right) Sinugra Kutch 1969

After 1961Tanganyika's independence, my brother Nurdin in 1964 also went into partnership with two of our loyal and experienced drivers who had worked for us for many years. The first partnership was with Thomas Mosses and the company's name was Thomas Mosses & Co, a passenger bus service company operating between Mbeya and Chimala. The second partnership was with Mohamed Nakamo in the name of Mbeya Bus Service operating between Mbeya, Mbozi and Tunduma .This was the FIRST example in Mbeya business community to involve local Africans in business. Nurdin also opened an auto spare shop called Nurdin's Auto Spares.

Nurdin Fazal Manji with Thomas Mosses Partners Thomas Mosses & Co. 1962 Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Nurdin Fazal Manji with Thomas Mosses Partners Thomas Mosses & Co. 1962 Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Nurdin Fazal Manji with Mohamed Nakamo- Partners Mbeya Bus Service Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Nurdin Fazal Manji with Thomas Mosses Partners- Thomas Mosses & Co. 1962 Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

My parents served the Ismaili Jamat as well becoming Kamadia in 1942-1943; served as Mukhi in 1953-1954 with Mr Shamshudin Kassam Kachara as Kamadia


Flag raising ceremony on Imamat Day at Mbeya Jamatkhana by Mukhi Fazal Manji & Kamadia Shamshudun Kassam Kachara 1953: Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

After 1954 he was appointed as a member of The Aga Khan Supreme Council of Tanganyika for a period of 5 years. He was honoured with title of Rai by Hazar Imam for his services.

H.H. Aga Khan Supreme Council of Tanganyika mid 1950s Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

H.H. Aga Khan Supreme Council of Tanganyika mid 1950s Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Nationalization of properties, belonging to mostly Indian and Arab Tanzanians (who were 3rd or 4th generation Tanzanians), a very discriminating and racist policy of the then Tanzanian government of Nyerere, occurred in April of 1971. There was no compensation paid. At the time of getting independence, Nyerere had indicated that people of all races will be treated with equality. This did not happen and with the implementation of this policy (the Acquisition Act of 1971), there was severe negative impact on whole of the Indian community. They felt very insecure and suppressed. They took the option of another migration. Large number of Indians, with their reputation of being a successful business community, were openly welcomed by the Western countries and thus left the country of Tanzania for good (I am sure Nyerere did not expect this). They ended up settling in Canada, USA, UK, Europe and Australia where they have been quite successful. Nyerere and latter Presidents of Tanzania, in the 1980s and 90s, wanted these Indians to return and reinvest but were not successful.

We unfortunately were one of the victims. Our family then moved to Canada to start a new life in the West. I left in May 1971 to take a position as an intern at San Fernando Hospital in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies and then came to Toronto in early summer of 1972; the rest of the family came to Canada in the late summer of 1972. There were only few Ismailis (less than fifty) in Toronto. My parents, my brother Nurdin and his family and my family (Anar & Mohamed) settled in Toronto, while my brother Shmshu`s family and my two sister's (Kulsum (Manji)Assar, her husband Fateh Bhimji Assar & Malek (Manji) Dewshi, her husband Sadrudin Mohamed Dewshi) settled in Vancouver Richmond) where they bought an IRLY Bird Building & Hardware Store and the property in 1972.

Home Builders Lumbar Co Ltd Richmond BC 1972.JPG

Home Builders Lumbar Co Ltd Richmond BC Canada 1972

Fazal Manji extended family.JPG

L to R sitting Malek(Manji) Dewshi, Sadrudin Mohamed Dewshi , Kulsum (Manji) Assar. L to R Standing Shamshu F Manji and Fateh Bhimji Assar Vancouver 2018. Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

In 1973, I was appointed as a Member of Health in the first Aga Khan Regional Council of Ontario & Quebec. In 1974, we were blessed with the birth of a boy on 27th of May. We named him Jamil. He became the first Canadian Manji in the Lalji Manji clan. My father Rai Fazal Manji passed away in 1975 in Toronto and was buried there. In 1977, after finishing my residency in the speciality of Radiation Oncology (cancer treatment) at Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto,, my mother, Anar. Jamil and I moved to Vancouver as I took up a position with BC Cancer Agency. My mother Raibanu Rehnmatbai Fazal Manji died in Vancouver in April of 1996.

My eldest brother Nurdin got married in 1956 to Daulat(Dolly), daughter of a prominent Dodoma family of Rajpar Ladak and niece of Karim Manji, another prominent family in Iringa.

In the summer of 1972, Nurdin's family left Tanzania and settled in Toronto, Ontario Canada. They have a daughter Shemin who became a lawyer getting her degree from Osgood Hall, University of York in Toronto. She got married to Shahin Mohamed from Rwanda/ Burundi. They have a daughter Zahra who is attending McGill University in Montreal. Shemin is a Senior Legal Counsel at the Ministry of Attorney General, Financial Services Commission of Ontario Canada. She also worked as an arbitrator with the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, adjudicating and mediating disputes under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedules and Insurance Act. She is also Part-time vice Chair for Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal Markham Ontario. She also served as Legal Member in the Aga Khan Regional Council of Ontario and Arbitration Board.

Their son Karim became an IT specialist. Karim married Shelina, daughter of Kurban & Rozy Gulamhussein Bharwani of Mbeya. They have 2 sons, Zain and Raheel. Both of them are sports oriented and they became under 18 and under 16 Canadian tennis champions. Zain read for Bachelor of Science degree with Double Major in Computer Science & Economics and Minor in Statistics at University of Toronto. Zain also became University of Toronto tennis champion. He is a recipient of many academic and sports awards. In 2015, Zain and two of his friends founded a company FIIX, a car servicing and repair model at client’s residences instead of at a garage. In 2019, FIIX was acquired by Wrench from USA. After the sale of FIIX, they founded LAZER Technologies, a digital product company in Toronto. He is presently CEO of the company. Raheel attended Indiana University on Sport`s scholarship. He became Men`s Tennis Team Captain. He has done ATP tours as a Professional Tennis Player. He was University of Oklahoma Men`s Tennis Assistant Coach. Presently he is a CEO of Mission Elite, which is a management, consulting and development firm overseeing top professionals, NCAA and Juniors worldwide.

Both Nurdin & his wife Daulat (Dolly) passed away in Toronto.

My elder sister Kulsum married my cousin Fateh Bhimji Assar, son of Sikina (Mohamed Hamir) and Bhimji Assar Sachedina of Iringa. They had a retail shop in Iringa and then in Mbozi and with arrival of their children they moved to Dar es Salaam where they had a shop in Kariacho. They have 2 sons Zahaur and Arif and a daughter Gulnar. Zahaur is a lock-smith and has his own business, A-Line Lock Smith. My sister Kulsum passed away in Vancouver in November 2018

My second sister Malek, after her schooling in Mbeya & Iringa ended up working with my father and kept company’s accounts. She then went to London England in 1959, for secretariat course and on her returned she joined Barclays Bank Ltd in Mbeya as a senior Secretary to the Manager. In 1961, she got married to Sadrudin (Sadru) Mohamed Dewshi. Mohamed Dewshi family was a prominent and successful Dar es Salaam business family; considered as Dar es Salaam's pioneer business group. Sadru had a wholesale bicycle parts import business called Noorani Cycle Mart Ltd. He dealt with UK, France, Japan, India and latter China export companies. Malek joined Sadru in his business. In 1971/1972 they moved to Vancouver BC and bought a lumbar/hardware IRLY Bird store in Richmond BC in partnership with my brother Shamshudin and my brother in law Fateh. In mid 1980's after the sale of the business, Malek and Sadru went into Mortgage lending business. They have a son Shenif and daughter Sophia; both of them are in investments.

All of us brothers and sisters and their husbands also invested in real estate in syndication with apartment buildings in Toronto and Ottawa and also land development in the suburb of Vancouver; also owned a wheat farm in Saskatchewan

My 2nd brother Shamsudin (Shamshu, commonly known as George in Canada), married Jenny (Zainub) Lallani of Nairobi Kenya in 1961. They have 2 sons Fayaz and Shaif. After coming to Canada in 1972, he went into business IRLY Bird Home Lumbar & Hardware store with my brothers in law Sadru & Fateh. Shamshu passed away on 30th of April 2018, just few days before the arrival of Hazar Imam Karim Aga Khan for his Diamond Jubilee celebration in Vancouver BC. He passed away on the same date as my eldest Nurdin who passed away on 30 April 2012. His son Fayaz went to University of British Columbia and then to University of Reading in the UK and received his PhD in Political Science. On his return from the UK, he joined the Aga Khan Foundation and latter joined the Federal Government in Ottawa and has worked in Foreign Affairs and Privy Council. He got married to Hala Madi in Aman Jordan where Hala comes from. Hala works for Amnesty International. Shaif after completing his degree at University Of British Columbia joined Vancouver Police Department. He is married to Brenda Heisler, a nurse by profession. Brenda's family is from Regina, Saskatchewan . They have two daughters, Teagan Aisha and Samara Grace.


Left to right: Shamshudin, Nurdin and Mohamed, sons of Fazal Manji at Fayaz/Hala’s wedding in Aman Jordan 1998: Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection


Left to right: Shamshudin with wife Jenny, Nurdin with wife Daulat (Dolly) and Anar with husband Mohamed Fazal Manji at Fayaz/Hala’s wedding in Aman Jordan 1998: Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

I, Mohamed, youngest son was born in Mbeya. After finishing primary school at Indian Public School initially and then Aga Khan Primary School, joined Aga Khan Boys School in Dar es Salaam in 1961. After finishing Senior Cambridge (GC "O' Level) and HSC (GC 'A" level), joined Makerere University, Kampala Uganda in 1966 to do medicine. I graduated with M.B.Ch.B degree. I got married to Anar Hassanali Bandali (Majorma Saku Merali Vasta's daughter) of Dar es Salaam. Following that Anar and I left Tanzania for good because of negative political situation. We spent one year in Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies where I did my internship. We then emigrated to Toronto in June of 1972. There were hardly 50 to 60 Ismailis in Toronto at that time. We were thus considered as one of the first Ismaili group to settle in Toronto. I did my Radiation Oncology residency from 1972-1977 at the prestigious Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Toronto (previously known as Princess Margaret Hospital), one of the five largest cancer centers in the world and became a Radiation Oncologist (Cancer Specialist). Four year residency program included a year of Internal Medicine which I did at Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. I also had the opportunity to do special courses in Nuclear Medicine and Endocrinology at Harvard Medical School in Boston USA. I obtained my U.S. Board Certification (DABRT) and my Canadian Fellowship (DMRT, FRCPC) in Radiation Oncology. We together with my mother, moved to Vancouver BC Canada in July of 1977. I have been working at BC Cancer Agency since 1977. I am better known as Dr Mo Manji in my profession. I am presently Clinical Associate Professor at University of British Columbia medical faculty. I spent time abroad, working in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to help modernize the Radiation Department at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, which is the tertiary specialist hospital in the Middle East. I spent 12 years at this hospital for cancer and other diseases. During my stay at King Faisal Hospital & Research Center, in 1994, I was honoured to meet Mr Nelson Mandela during his visit to Saudi Arabia.


Mr Nelson Mandela's visit to King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Riyadh Saudi Arabia in 1994. Dr Moh'd Manji 2nd from the right. Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

I was also involved in the planning and development of Radiation Oncology Departments at The Aga Khan University Hospitals in Karachi and Nairobi; also spent some time working at both places.


AK University Karachi 2008: Anney Hirji RTT, Dr Farrok Karsan, Head Radiation Oncology Department AKU, Dr Sherali Hussein Medical Physicist AKU, Dr Mohamed Manji Visiting Radiation Oncology Consultant, Dr Nadeem Abbasi Radiation Oncologist AKU. Mr Sohail Tirmizi AKU Radiation Oncology Manager(presently regional CEO including Afganistan, Tajikstan)


AK University Karachi 2008; Dr Farrok Karsan Head of Radiation Oncology, presenting Dr Mohamed Manji AKU Memento for his contribution. Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

44 AKU AK University, Nairobi 2012. Dr Mohamed Manji Visiting Radiation Oncology Consultant with Radiation Therapists.JPG

AK University, Nairobi 2012. Dr Mohamed Manji Visiting Radiation Oncology Consultant with Radiation Therapists


AK University Nairobi 2012. Dr Mohamed Manji Visiting Radiation Oncology Consultant Grand Round Presentation

Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Anar, my wife is the daughter of Sakerbai (Saku Merali Vasta) and Hassanali Bandali. Her mother was well known in Dar es Salaam for her cooking and her voluntary service of the Ismaili Community. She became Majorma of the Ismaili Women Voluntary Corp of Dar es Salaam. She was the leading person for the cooking for the Jamati functions in Dar es Salaam and latter in Toronto, catering for nearly 20 to 25 thousands of people. Anar trained as a Chartered Secretary in Blackpool UK. On her return to Tanzania, she worked for Industrial Promotion Service (IPS) in Dar es Salaam till we left Tanzania in May of 1971. She presently is a mortgage broker and has her own company.

After Anar and I emigrated to Canada in mid 1972 and being a small number in Toronto it took some time to settle and know the new ways of the new country. In summer of 1973, I was appointment by Hazar Imam to be the first Member for Health in the first Aga Khan Ismaili Regional Council of Ontario and Quebec under President Nyaz Jethwani for a period of 3 years.

45 a The First Aga Khan Regional Council of Ontario & Quebec 1973. Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

The First Aga Khan Regional Council of Ontario & Quebec 1973. Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Back row: Iqbal Nurali, Madat Lalani, Gulshan Lalani (Assistant Secretarial staff), Dr Abdul Datoo, Mr Karmali Satani (Head Secretarial Staff ), Dr Mohamed Fazal Manji, Kamadia Fateh Virji (Eglinton JK), Mr Sultan Ajani. Sitting Front row: Mukhi Haider Kessavji (Willowdale JK), Mukhi Hassanali Dharsee ( Chief JK), Mr Aziz Hasham ( Council Hon. Secretary), President Nyaz Jethwani, Mrs Amina Vellani, Mr. Dean Tejpar, Kamadia Amir Lalani, Mukhi Sadru(Super) Ismail (Don Mills JK) Absent: Sadru Visram, Amin Karmali, Zul Khoja (Ottawa Member), Sadru Pirbhai (Montreal Member),

We have two sons Jamil and Faisal, born in Toronto and Vancouver Canada respectively; our new Canadian generation. They are both married. Jamil after completing his degree at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver worked for HSBC Bank as Senior Business Analyst in Information Technology. He presently is the Managing Director of Physiotherapy clinic Absolute Physiocare & Sports Rehab of his wife Shaila Jiwa; she is a Physiotherapist, a graduate of University of British Columbia. Shaila is the daughter of Naseem & Zulficar Jiwa, originally from Uganda. Jamil is also a building contractor and has his own company called JAMA Construction Ltd. Faisal's primary schooling was in Richmond BC and then in Saudi American School, Saudi Arabia, American Boarding School in the UK, Brentwood College School in Victoria BC and St George's School Vancouver BC Canada. He then joined Royal Roads University Victoria BC and received his Bachelor of Commerce degree in Entrepreneurial Management. He then read for his accountant degree at University of British Columbia and became a Certified Professional Accountant. He also has obtained a mortgage broker certification. He married Tania Ferreira, daughter of Winston & Fay Ferreira, an Anglo-Indian family, originally from India. Winston was in the Indian Air Force before coming to Canada. Tanya is a high school English teacher, a graduate of University of British Columbia.


2019 Canada Vancouver Family Mohamed, Anar, son Jamil and wife Shaila, daughter Kayana,

son Mikhail at our second son Faisal & Tanya's wedding. Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

We have been blessed with 3 grandchildren- Kayana and Mikhail are Jamil & Shaila's children and Ethan is Faisal & Tanya's child

47 2023- Mikhail, Ethan and Kayana (our grandchildren) Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

2023- Mikhail, Ethan and Kayana (our grandchildren) Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Walji Manji (Lalji)

Walji Manji (Lalji) 2.JPG

Walji Manji (Lalji)

Mr Walji & Mrs Sikinabai Manji Toronto 1974 Photo Roshan(Walji Mani) Jiwani collection.JPG

Mr Walji & Mrs Sikinabai Manji Toronto 1974 Photo: Roshan(Walji Mani) Jiwani collection

Walji Manji (Lalji) was the 3rd living son of Manji Lalji He was commonly addressed as Walji Chacha. He was married to Sikinabai Gangji Alidina. Following his move to Tanganyika, he settled in Tukuyu. He started his own business. He had two sons Abdul and Sadrudin (Sadru) and 3 daughter Daulat (Dolly) (husband- Sadrudin Nanji), Roshan (husband-Abdul Hassanali Jivanji), Yasmin (husband-AliKhan Murji). He then moved to Mbeya and opened a retail store and started local transport business mostly run by his younger son Sadru. In 1973, they moved to Toronto to join their son Sadru and his family and their 3 daughters who had moved earlier in late 1972 and early 1973. Both of them passed away in Toronto.

Abdul Walji Manji 2.JPG

Abdul Walji Manjij

Sadrudin Walji Manji. 2.JPG

Sadrudin Walji Manji

Mr Sadru & Mrs Roshan Walji Manji. 2.JPG

Mr Sadru & Mrs Roshan Walji Manji. Photo: Roshan(Walji Manji) Jiwani collection

Sadru was quite a handyman and also a good car and lorry mechanic. He married Roshan daughter of well known Gulamhussein Janmohamed family of Shinyianga Tanzania. Sadru with his family and my brother Shamshu and his family came to Toronto together in September 1972. After his move to Canada, he worked as a mechanic initially but latter went into his own tipper lorry business in Toronto. He later became a real estate agent. In year 2000, following a fall, he unfortunately sustained a spinal cord injury and passed away in early 2001 in Toronto. He left behind his wife Roshan and 2 daughters Salma and Rishma. The older son Abdul and his family stayed in Tanzania; he worked as an accountant. He passed away in Dar es Salaam.


Roshan Walji Manji & Abdul Jiwani wedding. Lt to Rt Roshan, Sadru, Yasmin, Roshan, Abdul, Sikinabai, Walji Manji.

Photo: Dr Roshan(Walji Mani) Jiwani collection


Walji Manji Family. Lt to Rt.: Roshan, Sadru, Yasmin, Sadru Nanji and wife Dolly. Sitted: Roshan Sikinabai and Abdul with grand children. Photo: Roshan(Walji Mani) Jiwani collection

8 Three sister Yasmin Dolly and Roshan Roshan(Walji Mani) Jiwani Photo Roshan(Walji Mani) Jiwani collection.JPG

Three sister Yasmin Dolly and Roshan Roshan(Walji Mani) Jiwani Photo: Roshan(Walji Mani) Jiwani collection

The three sisters with their husband have all settled in Ontario Canada. Roshan and her sister Yasmin became legal secretaries.

Fatma (Manji Lalji) Karmali Kassam

Fatma (Manji Lalji) Karmali Kassam 2.JPG

Fatma (Manji Lalji) Karmali Kassam; Fatma Fui (aunt) was the eldest daughter. She got married to Karmali Kassam Haji of Tukuyu. They had retail business in Tukuyu. They had 3 sons Abdul-Karim, Nurdin, Sadrudin and 3 daughters Yasmin, Zarina, Parin. After their moved to Canada, they have all settled in Calgary with exception of Zarina and Yasmin. Dr Zarina Kassam studied at Makerere University and in Bristol University in the UK and became a medical doctor. She then moved to Toronto and specialised as an Anaesthetist and works in Toronto. She got married to Mohamed Kanji of Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam.


Back row: Zarina,Abdulkarim,Nurdin,SadrudinYasmin

Front row: Karmali Kassam, Parin, Fatma(Manji Lalji) Karmali Kassam. Photo Dr Zarina Kassam collection

Jennabai (Manji Lalji) Mohamed Bandali

Jenabai (Manji Lalji) Mohamed Bandali 2.JPG

Jenabai (Manji Lalji) Mohamed Bandali. Jena Fui (aunt) came to Tanganyika with Wadabapa & Wadima Kanji Lalji during their one of the trips to Kutch,. She got married to Mohamed Bandali, who used to work for Wadabapa Kanji Lalji. They ended up opening their retail business. They had one daughter Leila (husband Firoz Haji) and one son Shafin. Jena Fui unfortunately passed away at the age of 37 years in Mbeya on 19 July 1961. Leila, her daughter, also passed away in Toronto; Shafin lives in Calgary Canada.

Shirin (Manji Lalji) Hassam Rashid KanjiHeading text

Shirin (Manji Lalji) Hassam Rashid Kanji 2.JPG

Shirin (Manji Lalji) Hassam Rashid Kanji: Shiri Fui was married to Hassam Rashid Kanji. They had a retail store in Tukuyu. They had 4 children Sadrudin Shamshudin and Sultan and Daughter Sakar. Shiri Fui passed away in Tukuyu.

Khatun (Manji Lalji) Rhemtulla Manji Bandali Bold text

Khatun (Manji Lalji) Rhemtulla Manji Bandali 2.JPG

Khatun (Manji Lalji) Rhemtulla Manji Bandali: Khatu Fui, was married to Rhemtulla (Dhallu, as he was commonly known) Manji Bandali. They had a retail store in Mbozi. They had 4 daughters Zubeda, Roshan, Yasmin, Shairoz and one son Madat. Madat works as a heavy duty mechanic and lives in Toronto. Yasmin (husband Mehdi Somani) and her younger sister Shairoz (husband Karim Ladak from Kigoma) live in Toronto as well. The eldest daughter Zubeda married her cousin Nurdin Karmali Kassam and they live in Calgary. Roshan with her husband Ramzan also lived in Calgary where she passed away just few years ago.

Nurbanu (Manji Lalji) Fazal Sachedina

2 Nurubanu (Manji Lalji) Fazal Sachedina.JPG

Nurubanu (Manji Lalji) Fazal Sachedina: Nuru Fui and her husband Fazal Sachedina had a retail shop in Pugu (near Dar es Salaam). Fazal Sachedina fought for the British in Italy during the Second World War. They had 3 sons- Amin, Moez, Al Nasir and one daughter Yasmin. Yasmin is very active in Jamati affairs in Calgary Alberta. After leaving Tanzania, they all have settled in Calgary. Nuru Fui and her husband Fazal Schedina both passed away in Calgary. They were Dr Shafiq Sachedina's aunt and uncle.

Kanji Lalji

1 Wadabapa Kanji Lalji.JPG
2 Wadabapa Kanji Lalji.JPG
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Wadabapa Kanji Lalji

4 Wadima SikinaKanji Lalji.JPG
5 Wadima SikinaKanji Lalji.JPG
6 Wadima SikinaKanji Lalji.JPG

Wadima Sikina Kanji Lalji

Wadabapa Kanji Lalji, (as he has been address by all of extended Lalji family and we will be addressing him as such from now on) was the second surviving son of Lalji Bharmal and being single, would be the first one to leave Kutch and go to East Africa in 1911. His older brother Manji Lalji (my grandfather) was a family man and a breadwinner for the Lalji Bharmal family, farming with his father on their "Gundhi" Wadi. Thus he was not able to go first to Tanganyika. Lalji Bharmal borrowed money from a Hindu Merchant in Sinugra Kutch in the amount of 60 Rupees, guaranteed by his son Wadabapa Kanji Lalji, who was migrating to Tanganyika, to give back with interest when he returns to Kutch.

Wadabapa Kanji Lalji, at the age of 17 years left Sinugra Kutch in December 1911, in the company of Hirji Bhaloo Virani ( merchant in Zanzibar), and came to Tanganyika by ship. After working in Zanzibar with Mr Hirji Bhaloo Virani initially for a very short time, he relocated to Dar es Salaam and worked with Mr Haji Hamir (known family in Dar es Salaam, originally from Kutch as well). New arrivals to East Africa were helped in this manner by these early settlers as this is an old Sindhi, Kutchi and Khatiawadi tradition for generations, practised in India and outside India. His salary was 400 shillings for 3 years. After his Dar es Salaam work, he was then assigned to work at Haji Hamir's another branch located in Kilosa, an inland village in Southern Highland region of Tanganyika and then reassigned to work with Haji Hamir brothers' firm of Ladak and Jivraj Hamir in New-Langenburg (presently known as Tukuyu) in 1912. Wadabapa Kanji Lalji had not learned Swahili when he moved to Tukuyu and after working few months, he was wrongly accused of misappropriating funds but the German Judge, with help of Mr Jaffer Nathoo Ladak (resident of Tukuyu) who acted as an interpreter as Wadabapa Kanji did not speak Swahili, recognised that he was being taken an advantage of and was being framed cunningly and wrongly, found him innocent, and acquitted him. He then left the Hamir's firm and at the request of Jaffer Nathoo Ladak went in partnership with him in business which was located in Masoko, a nearby village; they also had main branch in New Langenburg (Tukuyu) Wadabapa moved to Masoko. At the end of their first year of partnership, they had made good profit of over 5000 Shillings. Unfortunately in the early years of 1st World War, Mr Jaffer Nathoo passed away. Wadabapa Kanji Lalji had to fold the company and Mr Jaffer Nathoo's share was sent to Mr Nathoo's wife and family in India (they had not immigrated to Tanganyika) which was handled by the then German Government. In 1921, Wadabapa Kanji Lalji's brother Hussein Lalji (Hussein Chacha, as he was commonly addressed) was called to come to Tukuyu. Mr Hussein Lalji’s arrival in Tukuyu, made Wadabapa Kanji Lalji's trip to Sinugra Kutch possible in 1922. This return trip in 1922 was his first one after he had immigrated to Tanganyika.

Wadabapa Kanji returned to Kutch in 1922 to get married: on his return to Kutch, he settled the family debts, principle with interest, his father Lalji Bharmal had borrowed from the Hindu lender. The bride was chosen by his parents and she was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Hirji Rajpar Kalyan, family from nearby Nagalpur village and well known to Bharmal family. Her name was Sikina, a sister of five brothers. These brothers also ended up migrating to Tanganyika and four of them. Moloo, Merali, Bandali and Suleman settled in Tukuyu. The older brother Jaffer settled in Zanzibar. Wadabapa Kanji and Wadima Sikina (who was 17 years old) on their return trip to Tanganyika, the newly wedded couple were given the task to take some of the Wadabapa Kanji’s young relations. They left Kutch in Dec 1922 and with them were Wadabapa's younger brother Karim Lalji, his cousin Walji Kassam Bharmal, nephew Ladha Manji Lalji Bharmal and second degree related nephew Ladha Manji Haji Jetha ( brother of Ali Manji Haji).Both of these nephews were about 12 years in age. They traveled to Mandavi in a cattle wagon and then to Mumbai and finally by steamer to Dar es Salaam where they landed on 8th of January 1923. After about 3 days Wadabapa and Wadima with brother Karim Lalji and the two Ladha nephews travelled to Southern Highland region in the interior of Tanganyika and settled in Tukuyu to start their new lives. Mr Walji Kassam after a short stay in Dar es Salaam, left to settle in Moshi, situated the northern part of Tanganyika.

They had their business in Tukuyu which was quite successful. Wadabapa Kanji and Wadima Sikina were the matriarch of Lalji Bharmal family in the settlement of Manji’s sons and daughters, Hussein and Karim Lalji. They helped them settle, marry and establish themselves in Tanganyika and some of them became quite successful economically.

In those early days, these small villages in East Africa did not have any hotels or restaurants. There were only few Indian families of different backgrounds i.e. Hindus, Sunni Muslims and Khoja Muslims (mostly Ismailis).They thus had no choice but to look after each other in all ways of life. Any new arrival or visitor would just have to go to any "duka" of an Indian person and he and his family will be taken care of. They will be fed, housed and also would get help in settling them in either opening their 'dukas" or find them an employment, regardless of being Hindus, Sunni Muslims, Khoja Ismailis etc. . This is an old Sindhi, Kutchi and Khatiawadi tradition for generations, practised in India and outside India. As very few of the Indian man folks had wives, Wadimaa played major role in this aspect in Tukuyu, during that time. One such example was an arrival of a Sunni Muslim family of Haji Yusufmia in Tukuyu in late 1920's or early 1930's; they had arrived in Tukuyu after crossing Lake Nyassa (Malawi) in a small canoe from Nyassaland. They were on their way to Mbeya region to settle. They stayed with them and Haji Yusufmia made Wadimaa, his blood sister from then on and that relationship between these two families still exists and has remained strong among their children and grand children. Haji Yusufmia became a prosperous businessman in Mbeya and a respected Muslim community leader in Southern Highland region. He and his family were officially invited to attend The Diamond Jubilee Celebration of Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah Aga Khan in 1946 in Dar es Salaam.

In 1935, Kanji Lalji family relocated to Mbeya. They became one of the pioneers of Mbeya.

They had a wholesale business and latter also went in agriculture owning coffee and rice farms and since mid and late 1970's, they have transport business which their grandsons Ali and Amin are presently running under name of Kanji Lalji Ltd.

Both Wadabapa & Wadima (Ref", were addressed as such practically by whole of the extended family, were quite involved with, not only the Ismaili community work, but also work related to all the people of Mbeya region, regardless they were Indian, European or African origin. . They served as Mukhi and Mukhiani in 1938-1939 period.

7 List of Mukhis & Kamadias Mbeya Chief Jamat.JPG

They had 3 sons Sadrudin, Badrudin and Sultan and one daughter Nur. In early 1970's they all relocated to UK and Canada and had businesses. All the children have been involved with the community work. Their older son Itmadi Sadrudin Kanji Lalji ( S K Lalji as commonly known) served in the Mbeya Regional Council and after his move to the UK, he and his wife Roshan served as the Chief Mukhi and Mukhiani of London UK Jamat during Silver Jubilee of Hazar Imam; a proud moment for Lalji Bharmal family. In 1981-1982, their daughter Nur and son in law Fidhali Meghji served as Mukhiani and Mukhi of Richmond Jamatkhana in Vancouver BC; their second son Badrudin and his wife Roshan also served as Mukhi and Mukhiani of Mbeya Jamat; their last son Sultan and daughter in law Gulzar stayed in Mbeya and are greatly involved in community and general public affairs in Mbeya

8 Chief Mukhi Itmadi Sadrudin Kanji Lalji at Silver Jubilee visit to London UK 1983 Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Chief Mukhi Ithmadi Sadrudin K Lalji at Silver Jubilee visit in London. UK, 1983; Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

9 Mukhi Badrudin & Mukhiani Roshan K Lalji and Kamadia Fateh & Kamadiani Sultan G. Jiwan with Hazar Imam during 1966 Mbeya visit; Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Mukhi Badrudin & Mukhiani Roshan K Lalji and Kamadia Fateh & Kamadiani Sultan G. Jiwan with Hazar Imam during 1966 Mbeya visit; Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Sadrudin was married to Roshan, daughter of Mr & Mrs. Gulamhussein Bharwani of Mbeya; they had 3 sons Zauher, Karim and Amin. He and his wife both passed away in London England.

Badrudin married to Roshan, daughter of Varas Rhemtulla (Rhemu) Karim Manji of Mbeya. They had 2 daughter- Shainool (Lalji) Manji and Al-Shamsh (Shamshi)(Lalji) Ladha. His wife Roshan passed away in Vancouver BC.

Sultan was married to Gulzar, daughter of Sadrudin Jiwa of Mbeya; they have two daughters Fauzia and Salma and a son Ali. Sultan and his wife Gulzar stayed in Tanzania to carry on the business in spite of difficult political situation in Tanzania. Sultan had a pleasant and brave personality like his great, great grandfather Rana. Like Rana, Sultan, as the name suggests, was a leader. He expanded the business in Tanzania. Sultan passed away in Dar es Salaam in 2017 and buried in Mbeya


Vancouver BC Canada: early 2010s -Lalji Bharmal’s grand & great grandchildren; L to R. Mohamed Fazal Manji(Lalji),Sadrudin Kanji Lalji, Badrudin Kanji Lalji, Shamshu Fazal Manji(Lalji), Sultan Kanji Lalji Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Hussein Lalji

Hussein Lalji.JPG

Hussein Chacha (Uncle), as Mr Hussein Lalji was commonly address, came to Tukuyu in 1922 to join his brother Wadabapa Kanji Lalji and to look after his business so that Wadabapa Kanji can go back to Kutch to get married. Following Wadabapa's return, he went into his own business. He was dealing with purchasing of coffee, tea & beans. As his business grew, his main business shop moved to Mbeya and with regard to Tukuyu shop, he went into partnership with his nephew Fazal Manji (Lalji) as Hussein Lalji & Company. This partnership was dissolved in early/mid 1930s after Fazal Manji family had to move to Mbeya for their young daughter's health reasons.

Hussein Chacha was quite an entrepreneur and his business was quite successful; dealing with wholesale and retail general business, Standard Mobil agency, "Phosho" (Flour) mill. Also he had a branch in Chunya for a short period during the gold rush in Chunya region. He also purchased and installed Furniture manufacturing equipment plant in late 1950's in Mbeya. Unfortunately in Nov 1961, he developed brain haemorrhage and passed away on 9th Nov 1961 at the age of 51 years. It was alleged that he was under lot of stress. Prior to Tanganyika getting independence, majority of businesses in Mbeya were being audited by the then exiting British Government before handing over power for extra income to the leaving government, before leaving Tanganyika.. Lots of business became victims for paying large sum of taxes to the then government.

Hussein Chacha’s first wife was Hirbai Jivraj, sister of Abdulla and Ali Jivraj (resident of Mbeya & Mbozi respectively). They had one and only daughter Khatun who married Hassanali, son of well known Tukuyu family of Merali Hirji. Hassanali was one of the first Ismaili to get Secondary School education in Dar es Salaam. He became a partner of well known Dar es Salaam business firm of Ali Rajan Walji Ltd. Hirbai Hussein Lalji passed away in Mbeya in 1955. Both Khatun and Hassanali Merali Hirji passed away in Calgary.


Standing: Hassanali Merali Hirji and Hussein Lalji Sitting: Khatun(Hussein Lalji) H. M. Hirji, Hirbai H Lalji, Roshan H Lalji with sons Mohamed ,Nizar & Amin. Photo: Nizar H Lalji collection

Hussein Chacha's second wife was Roshan, daughter of Khalfan Hassam and sister of Hassanali of Hassanali Furniture of Zanzibar. They had five sons- Mohamed, Nizar, Amin, Nazim(Babu), Alnoor and three daughters -Nasim (husband Mansur Gulamhussein Manji of Singida), Rozila (husband- Shiraz Hassanali Boga of Zanzibar) and Shainaz (Husband Moyez Kamrudin Pirmohamed Anand of Iringa).

4 Sitting Mohamed, Alnoor. Amin. Standing Roshan( Moh'd wife), Rozila, Shainaz and Nizar(absent is Nasim) 2022. Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Sitting: Mohamed, Alnoor. Amin. Standing Roshan( Moh'd wife), Rozila, Shainaz and Nizar(absent is Nasim) 2022. Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

5 Nazim (commonly known as Babu)- passed away in 1999. Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Nazim (commonly known as Babu)- passed away in 1999. Photo: Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Mrs Roshan Hussein Lalji passed away on 14th November 1965 at the age of 42 years. After the death of their father Hussein Lalji, the eldest son Mohamed took over the business of retail and wholesale, kind of starting from scratch and made it a successful one. Most importantly, he looked after and took care of his all younger brothers and sisters. Mohamed got married to Roshan Ladha of Dar es Salaam; Nizar got married to Mina (Nazminabegum) Janmohamed Pirmohamed Anand of Mbeya. Her family had moved to Mbeya from Moshi. He and Mina served as Mukhi/Mukhiani of Etobicoke Jamatkhana 2009-2012. With the exception of Babu (Nazim) all Hussein Lalji family emigrated to Canada and have settled in Toronto, Ontario and Calgary, Alberta Nazim (Babu as he was commonly known in Mbeya) married Nishi (Nasreen), daughter of Abdul and Khatijha Khanmohamed Jessa of Mbeya. Nazim and his wife Nishi served as Kamadia/Kamadiani (1987-1990) and then Mukhi/Mukhiani (1993- 1996) of Mbeya Jamat; Nazim also became Chairman of Ismaili Council for Southern Tanzania in 1999; during his this tenor on 31st July 1999 he passed away suddenly.

Karim Lalji

1 Karim Lalji Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG
2 Karim Lalji Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Karim Lalji: Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

3 Mrs Nurbanu(Saleh Haji) Karim Lalji Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Mrs Nurbanu(Saleh Haji) Karim Lalji : Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

4 Mrs.Sakina (Manji Bandali) Karim Lalji Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Mrs.Sakina (Manji Bandali) Karim Lalji: Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Mr. Karim Lalji was addressed as Karim Chacha (uncle). He was the youngest son of Lalji Bharmal. He came to Tanganyika with his brother Wadabapa Kanji Lalji in early 1923. He opened his own retail shop. After initially settling in Tukuyu, he moved to Mbeya. He married Nurbanu, daughter of well known and successful Saleh Haji Family of Iringa. They had 2 sons Fateh and Shamshudin. In late 1920s they unfortunately divorced and Nurbanu with her 2 sons moved back to Iringa and settled there and remarried.

Their elder son Fateh Karim Lalji married Jenny, daughter of Gowa Family of Dar es Salaam. They had a daughter Yasmin and two sons- Zohar and Amin. The second son of Karim Chacha and Nurbanu Chachi was Shamshudin Karim Lalji. He was married to Noorbegum Jetha (Begum) and had two daughters Fauzia and Zahra. All of them settled in Toronto after leaving Tanzania. Both Fateh and Jenny were well involved in community activity in Iringa Tanzania where they had men's and ladies' wear shop. They served as Kamadia and Kamadiani of Iringa Jamat; they were blessed with the visit of Hazar Imam during their tenor in 1966.

The photo below makes me proud to see my two uncles Mukhi Akber Mohamed Hamir from my mother’s side(my mother’s brother) and Kamadia Fateh Karim Lalji from my father’s side(my father’s first cousin) with Hazar Imam.

5 Mukhi Akber Mohamed Hamir and Kamadia Fateh Karim Lalji (right) with Hazar Imam 1966 visit to Iringa. Dr Moh'd Manji collection.JPG

Mukhi Akber Mohamed Hamir and Kamadia Fateh Karim Lalji (right) with Hazar Imam 1966 visit to Iringa. Photo Dr Moh'd Manji collection

Karim Chacha remarried and his second wife was Sakina, daughter of Manji Bandali. They had 3 sons Badrudin, Aziz, Firoz and two daughters Nurjehan and Amina.

Nurjehan is married and lives in Vancouver BC. Amina lives in Toronto.

Badru Karim Lalji was married to Sultan Janmohamed Pirmohamed Anand; they had 2 daughters named Nasrin and Karima; Their marriage unfortunately ended up in a divorce; Sultan remarried to Shamshudin Jiwa of Mbeya and he also adopted the two young daughters Nasrin & Karima giving them Jiwa as their surname. Nasrin married ShahNavaz Mitha of Kigoma and they have 2 daughters and one son. They unfortunately divorced. Nasrin remarried to Aziz Bhaloo. Karima married Zahir Ashakali Bandali. They have 2 sons -Zain and Kiyan. They all have settled in Toronto Ontario Canada. Zain Bandali is a Canadian Ismaili author. His debut book was nominated for the Silver Birch Express Award. He recently published a book “Mehndi Boy,” a Beautifully Illustrated Children’s Chapter Book. He is also a poet and his poetry can be found in multiple publications. In 2020, he was awarded the Upkar Arora Social Impact Leadership Scholarship for his work creating a grassroots community initiative while an undergrad at the University of Waterloo. (Ref: Simerg Nov 2023)

Zain Bandali.JPG

Zain Bandali- Author (photo: Simerg Nov. 2023)

Aziz married Zarina Gulamhussein Mukadham of Mbeya. They have a daughter Farida and son Al Karim. They have settled in Vancouver BC Canada. Al Karim is a System Administrator in the field of Information Technology and works in Vancouver.

6 Farida (Aziz Karim Lalji) Somjee- Author.JPG

Farida (Aziz Karim Lalji) Somjee- Author

Their daughter, Farida (Lalji) Somjee, who lives in Vancouver BC as well, is an award-winning Canadian author and novelist. Her debut novel "The Beggar's Dance" won the Whistler Independent Book Awards for the best fiction

7 Whistler Writers Award Festival 2017.JPG

Whistler Writers Award Festival 2017

Unfortunately Zarin and Aziz Karim Lalji both passed away in Vancouver BC.

Firoz, who lives in Toronto, is married and they have adopted a son

Maanbai Lalji Bharmal

1 Maanbai Lalji Bharmal.JPG

Maanbai Lalji Bharmal

Unfortunately there is no available information on Maanbai. It appears that she never came to Tanzania and never left Kutch.

Minbai Lalji Bharmal (husband Esmail Nanji)

1 Minbai Lalji Bharmal (husband Esmail Nanji).JPG

Minbai Lalji Bharmal (husband Esmail Nanji)

Minbai was married to Esmail Nanji. No information is available regarding her husband Esmail Nanji. They however had a daughter Fatma. Minbai Fui unfortunately lost her eyesight as a complication of small pox infection while in India. After her husband's death, her brothers in Mbeya called her over to live with them in Mbeya where she died on 7th January 1961 at the age of 86 years. Fatma, her only daughter, got married to Shamshudin Visram who used to work for Wadabapa Kanji Lalji. They ended up settling in Mbozi Tanzania where they had a retail shop. They had 2 daughters Amina and Rhoshankhanu and they had five sons- Mohamed, Nizar, Nurdin, Zahir and Karim. Mohamed passed away in Miami and Zahir and Roshan passed in Toronto.

Above is the write up of my paternal family which I have humbly penned down. This is about the progeny of my great, great grandfather, a village farmer named Bharmal from Sinugra Kutch India, who gave a "Kori""(small amount of Kutch money) to his mother for an offering to Imam Hassanali Shah Aga Khan I in mid nineteenth Century. In return, he and his mother got Imam's blessing and the mother was told by the Imam that Bharmal’s future generation will remain dedicated, will be successful and will become prosperous.

Bharmal and his mother had no idea that their future generation will cross two oceans - Indian and Atlantic and will end up living in four continents - Africa, Asia, Europe and North America; that they, with their hard work and dedication, would be involved in the development of dangerous and underdeveloped places in East Africa; that from a small Gundhi Wadi (farm) in Kutch, their progeny will end up owning large coffee, rice, sugarcane and cash crop farms in Tanzania and large wheat farm in Canada; that Aga Hassan Ali Shah's (who blessed them) great great grandson His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV will stay in their great, great grandsons homes in Mbeya and Iringa Tanzania during his visit there; that their progeny will become successful business men and women; will become doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, Information technologist, author etc; that they also would be involved in the community and religious affairs; serve as Mukhis and Kamadias and also serve as Members in various Regional, National and Supreme religious Councils. Following the takeover of properties (without compensation) in Tanzania by the socialist and racist regime, they had to leave the place they were involved in the development at the beginning of 20th Century. With their hard work and resilience, they managed to rebuild their lives and have become successful in their new homes in the West. New generations have been born in the Western World, like my two sons Jamil and Faisal, my three grandchildren- Kayana, Mikhail and Ethan; like my 2nd brother Shamshudin's grandchildren Teagan Aisha and Samara Grace and lastly like my eldest brother Nurdin's grandchildren Zahra, Zain, Raheel and the most recent new arrival, his great granddaughter Mila Rozy Manji (daughter of Jennifer and Zain), born on 5th of Aug 2023

Thus a beginning of new story telling by this new generation of their parents and grandparents, who having been born in faraway places, like Africa and having been displaced, managed to settle successfully in Western countries

Acknowledgement: The author would like to acknowledge and thank his grandfather late Manji Lalji Bharmal for the family history and his great aunt late Mrs Sikina Kanji Lalji (Bharmal), who insisted that our family history has to be documented and thus be a valuable and precious legacy to be left to the future generations, his late father Mr. Fazal Manji (Lalji Bharmal) and his late mother Mrs. Rehmat Fazal Manji. They provided most of the information over the years for this write up. Thanks also to Amin Abdul Jaffer (Kassam Bharmal), Fazal Moloo Kassam (Bharmal), Kamaludin Walji Kassam (Bharmal),Shamsh Ladak Ismail (Kassam Bharmal), Nizar Hussein Lalji (Bharmal), Roshan (Walji Manji) Jiwani and Alkarim Aziz Karim Lalji (Bharmal) for their contribution in providing extra information for the completion of this write up. Lastly would also recognise and thank Mr Iqbal Dewji and Khojawiki for providing a forum where these family histories are documented and thus remain in the Indian and Khoja history, as well as the contribution of these Indian communities in Tanganyika (Tanzania) and in other parts of the world.

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Dr Mohamed (Mo) Fazal Manji.MD,DMRT,DABRT,FRCPC Vancouver BC Canada

Author: Dr Mohamed Fazal Manji, who is originally from Mbeya Tanzania, is a cancer specialist and is a Consultant Radiation Oncologist at BC Cancer Agency of British Columbia, Canada. He is a Clinical Associate Professor, University of British Columbia and also a recipient of 2022 Royal College of Physician & Surgeon of Canada's M Andrew Padmos International Collaboration Award He is the son of Rai Fazal Manji (Lalji) & Raibanu Rehmat Fazal Manji of Mbeya Tanzania Dr Manji immigrated to Canada in mid 1972 when there were about fifty to sixty Ismailis in Toronto. In summer of 1973, he was appointment by Hazar Imam to be the first Member for Health in the first Aga Khan Ismaili Regional Council of Ontario and Quebec under President Riaz Jethwani. After specializing as Radiation Oncologist at Princess Margaret Hospital (now known as Cancer Center) in 1977, he moved to Vancouver BC and joined BC Cancer Agency where he still works. He had a hiatus of 12 years working at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. He also was involved in the development of Radiation Oncology programs at The Aga Khan University Karachi & Nairobi.


A plaque from Aga Khan University in appreciation of Dr. Manji’s services and at right Dr. Manji received the 2022 Royal College of Canada M. Andrew Padmos International Collaboration Award
