Muhammad Rawjee
- 1830
- 1898/05/20
- Merchant Prince-China
- Children
Muhammad Rawjee, the grandfather of Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad Rawjee was born in Bombay on 1830.
He got married at the age of 16 years in 1846.
It is said that he was the first amongst the Indian Ismailis to have visited China at an early age in 1853, where he opened his branch. Initially, his business ran on partnership, but he alone conducted it after some time.
He was noted for initiating many welfare institutions in 1883 and donated free houses to over fifty Ismaili families without charging rent, which was named after his father-in-law, Dhanji Karmali.
In 1890, he established the first Khoja Orphanage, known as the 'Khoja Ashram', and on September 27, 1894 he established a sanitarium at Poona, where clothes and foods were provided to the poor Ismailis. He also funded the needy couples in their marriages. The Ismailis accorded him warm honor in view of his invaluable services in 1893. When his father-in-law expired, the Imam presented him a khilat and a title of Varas to his son, Ibrahim.
Muhammad Rawjee died on May 20, 1898.