Saku Jaffer Mohamed Rahim

From Khoja Wiki
Saku Jaffer Mohamed Rahim
Town of birth
Country of birth
Date of Death
  • 10 April 1962
Place of Death
Country of death
Place of longest stay
Profession or occupation carriedout for the longest period in life
  • Teacher
  • AK Scholl Zanzibar & Dar es Salaam

Born in Zanzibar

Ismail Hassanali Walli Dharsee was born in 1906. In Zanzibar, Saku Jaffer Mohamed was born in 1910, also in Zanzibar. They had three children, Mohamed, Madat, Hassanali (a.k.a. 'Jackie' to most). At a tender age of 33, Ismail passed away.

Everyone liked Ismail. Very much an actor/ comedian, he organized annual Immamat day processions and concerts. After the death of her husband, Saku had to look after the household. She taught at tha Aga Khan Girls School until 1945 when she moved to the mainland (Tanganyika) with her three children.

She continued to teach at the girls school in Dar-es-Salaam.

In 1950, Mohamed moved to Arusha as Madat and Jackie remained in Dar-es-Salaam. Mohamed had 4 children, Madat had two children and Jackie had two children. Saku passed away on April 10, 1962. The children were very well settled and had their own families. To this day she is remembered as the wonderful teacher who cared about everyone.

Eventually, all the children immigrated to Canada. Madat was the first in 1971, followed by Mohamed and then Jackie in 1978.

Hassanali Dharsee