Esmail Jetha

From Khoja Wiki

Mukhi Esmail Jetha
Town of birth
Country of birth
Place of longest stay
Profession or occupation carriedout for the longest period in life
  • Wholesale Distributor

Born in Kutch

by Shiraz Jetha, Olympia, WA and Nizar Jetha, Calgary, AB, November 19, 2011

  • In Tanga, Esmail Jetha, with brother Salehmohamed, in the late 50s and 60s had a wholesale business which imported products through agencies (i.e. exclusive distributors).

  • One interesting fact in our family is that Esmail Jetha (EJ) and Abdullah Jetha (AJ) passed away within 24 hours of each other. EJ died of cancer first; AJ had a heart problem and died the following day. EJ wasn’t aware of the seriousness of AJ’s condition but had a premonition, it is thought, that he would be seeing him soon.

According to the community oral records, Esmail Jetha was Kamadia (Deputy) of the Tanga Khoja Ismaili Jamat between 1910-1917 and Mukhi(Chief) in 1927-1928.