Nensi Parpia

From Khoja Wiki
Nensi Parpia
Nensi Parpia 1856.png
All Nicknames
  • Old Nancy
Town of birth
Country of birth
Place of longest stay
Profession or occupation carriedout for the longest period in life
  • Business- Furniture & Shoes
  • Tailoring
Where-City or Country

Born in Bombay

One of Peera’s Bombay relatives was Nansi Parpia, an uncle, or cousin uncle. He was sympathetic to the reformist movement and was perhaps the guiding influence behind Peera’s education.

He had a large shop in Medows Street. In the nineteenth century, Medows street was the main commercial street in central Bombay, situated just behind the docks and the grand customs house, which dominated the harbour. (Named after General Sir William Medows, who had been governor of Bombay 1788-90, this street is now called Nagindas Master Road and is in the Kala Ghoda area.)

Besides general merchandise, Nansi Parpia also sold furniture and leather shoes. He had woodworking factories at Byculla, just to the north, where the fishermen and local dhows congregated.

Nansi Parpia is featured in Johnson’s book ([1] on the peoples of Bombay, printed in 1863, where he appears in the centre of the photograph on entitled Khojas. His shop according to Johnson was much frequented by young British customers and Nansi Parpia was affectionately known to them as ‘Old Nancy.’ We are told he was exceedingly kind to the young men, who were just starting their careers in India. Perhaps he helped them set up in lodgings and gave them generous loans when they were short of money. These British youngsters were new employees (factors) of the East India Company, or perhaps officers in the Army or Navy or possibly representatives of businesses {box wallahs)." [2]

  1. The oriental races and tribes, residents and visitors of Bombay: a series of photographs with letter-press descriptions / / by William Johnson, Bombay Civil Service (uncov.).Published: London: 1863-66
  2. see Aldrick,Judith.The Sultan's Spymaster: Peera Dewjee of Zanzibar.pg39 as well as Location 3988-3989, where she quotes 'The next letter (from Parpia ed.) is dated 4 October and is headed ‘Samuel Street, Khoja Moholla, Bombay.’