Assa Danidina

From Khoja Wiki
Assa Danidina
All Nicknames
  • Aasoo
Town of birth
Country of birth
Date of Death
  • 1843
Place of Death
Place of longest stay
Where-City or Country
Danidina Asani 17501790

Born in Bhuj

Assa also known as Aasoo lived in Bhuj, Kutch.

On June 16, 1819, an earthquake of uncommon severity,lasting hardly two minutes, rocked the whole western India, the force of which most violently affected Kutch and the tracts to the north of it. In Bhuj, nearly 7000 houses were overturned, and 1150 people buried in the ruins.

Most of the surviving Khoja families moved to safe places in caravans.

Among them a caravan of Assa, trekked down through Lakhpat, Okha, Keti Bander to Ramki Bazar in Badin in Sind. They further moved towards the lower Sind on horses and bullock carts and reached Hyderabad, Sind. He cemented his cordial relation with the princes of the ruling family of the Talpur Mirs.

The ruler granted him a fief near Fulailee River, about a mile from the fort of Hyderabad.

He professed in the farming and exported butter, milk and leather to other parts of British Indiavia Ramki Bazar in Badin, Sind.

Assa had six sons, the most famous were Alidina, Datardina and Baledina.

His other three sons, whose information are inaccessible had been killed in Jerruk on March 23, 1843 in the battle with the British lead by Charles Napier and assisted by Agakhan I for which the Imam received his title and pension.

Nothing virtually is known about Datardina.

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