Nazarali Gokal Versi
- 10/9/1908
- 8/12/1998
- Ismaili Cementery
- Vancouver
- Dukawalla-Merchant
- Entrepreneur & Real Estate Developer
- Parents
- Gokal Versi Vasram 1890–1960Kamarbai Manji 1894–1960
- Siblings
- Maherali Gokal Versi 1912–1991Nurubanu Ramzanali Shariff Jamal 1927–2014Shirin Rajabali Jessa Punjani 1932–2006
- Partners
- Jenabai Nazarali Gokal Versi 1918–1986
- Children
Nazarali Bhai also came over from Kathiawar with his mother and siblings after his father had settled in Dar es Salaam.
he quit school early to join his fathers business and was self-taught.
He branched into a clothings store and eventually built the Uhuru Mansion building on Tandamuti and Mnyamwezi streets in Karaikoo, in conjuction with his fellow dukawalla entreprunuers including Jamal Dhanji.
The building had 6 units-3 stores and 3 flats. His sister Sakar Kassamali Jessani & her family moved into one stroe and flat.
Nazarali was very well read and quite forthright. He did not frequent the Jamatkhana becuase..
I have left my application with Mowla. He knows what I need and I dont want to bother him all the time and lose his respect, like the rest of you!